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Michael Peddycoart ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stanford chapter.

Michael Peddycoart

Simi Valley, CA

International Relations

Writing, piano, saxophone, working at KZSU

What’s something people should know about you?
I’m a lot more fun than I may seem at first? I don’t know, just thinking off the top of my head.

Favorite quality in a girl
I like girls that are very comfortable with themselves and down to earth. They’re not worried about what other people think.

What if there was a girl who didn’t care about what other people think but then turns out she may or may not have been a serial killer?
Is that a legit question?

What if she was your perfect girl, awesome beautiful, perfect but you always had a sneaking suspicion that she might be a serial killer but it will never get confirmed or denied in your life?
I have a sneaking suspicion? I guess if she’s the perfect girl then hopefully I’m just not on her list of people [to kill]. I guess I’ll stay with her.

Boxers or briefs?

Favorite dance move
I guess jerking. Jerking is really cool. I can’t do it but I admire people who can.

Have you ever tried?
I have, with moderate success.

How do you define moderate success?
I didn’t fall down and people still talk to me.

What’s your favorite food?

Would your rather never read again or never listen to music again?
That’s hard. That’s a really hard question. I want to say neither but I guess I have to go with never read again, probably.

In a nuclear apocalypse, let’s say you’re the last survivor on earth, would you rather spend your life – health aside – eating Twinkies or Spam?
Twinkies, for sure.

Do you want to elaborate?
Spam creeps me out. It’s kind of gross.