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How to Detox from a Binge Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

 How to Detox from a Binge Weekend

High stress and impulsive decisions on the weekends in college often leave us feeling unhealthy and “gross.” Here are a few ideas to help you detox from your bad binge weekend and get back to your best self for a great week ahead!

1. Hydrate! – Water helps to cleanse your body and it also gives you the energy that comes with being properly hydrated. Mix it with a little bit of lemon or heat it up and add honey for some variations to get hydrated!

Photo creds: Jonathan Kastner

2.Exercise – Being active is a great way to burn off those unwanted calories from the weekend and get back to feeling strong and healthy. The first trip to the gym can be difficult after a bad eating streak, so grab and friend and motivate each other to get back on top of your game!

Photo creds: Web Md

3.Sauna – Saunas help with circulation and allow you to sweat out the “bad stuff.” It also enhances your metabolism, giving your body a chance to catch up to everything you ate over the weekend!

Photo creds: Home Dit

4. Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar has lots of health benefits and helps to cleanse your digestive systems and remove toxins from the body. Try mixing a tablespoon into a glass of water!

Photo creds: Perri O. Blumberg

5. Limit sweets – Sugar is addictive and, unfortunately, often present throughout the weekend’s adventures. Limiting the amount of sweets eaten during a detox helps to curb cravings and flush the sugars out of your system.

Photo creds: Flipboard

6. Sleep! – Detoxing means that your body has to work extra hard to process and eliminate the additional toxins. Getting lots of rest gives your body the chance to focus its energy on this process of elimination and recovery!

Photo creds: Laiza King

7. Eat simply – Limiting the processed foods put into your body and loading up on fruits and veggies can help to replace bad toxins and make you feel better.

Photo creds: American Heart Association