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5 Ways to Keep Pre-Graduation Anxiety at Bay

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.
As you start out your last semester of college, there’s no doubt you’ll be excited–new schedule, 
fresh notebooks and the wonderful feeling of being a senior. But before long, new thoughts 
might creep in–what happens in four months? What do I want to do?
Pre-graduation anxiety is very common, and if you’re not going to grad school, your time in school
is coming to an end. Though you’ll be feeling the pressure as graduation looms closer,
there are ways to keep your anxiety levels as low as possible so you can still enjoy your last semester
1. Write down what you want, and track what you accomplish.
Before the first day of the semester, jot down a list of goals for the next few months. It can be 
as long or short as you want, but keep them realistic. Try to include something from all parts of 
your life, like family, social and academic. Putting your goals onto paper will help you visualize 
what you have to do to accomplish them. It will also help you feel more organized and in control, 
which in turn will keep anxiety at bay. 
2. Do something every day. 
As daunting as job searching seems, you’ll thank yourself later if you start searching sooner. Get 
into the habit of looking for jobs early so you’re not panicking as you walk across the graduation 
stage. Be sure to always have an updated resume ready to go, and don’t forget to bookmark all 
the positions you come across. 
3. Make the most of your time on campus. 
This is your last semester you get to see your friends around campus, so use this time as a way 
to create bonds that will last past graduation. Plan a road trip during spring break, or have a spa 
night after midterms. You’ll create memories that you can think about long after classes finish. 
4. Make time for yourself. 
As the semester gets more stressful, don’t forget to take time out of the business to take care of 
yourself. Find something that relaxes you and get to it. Whether it’s a drive down your favorite 
highway or a long shower, it’ll help you focus on something besides stress. You’ll return to 
studying feeling refreshed and with more determination to power through. 
5. Don’t sweat the small stuff. 
With all the other things going on this semester, try not to focus on the things that don’t 
matter. Steer clear of all kinds of drama, and don’t worry if you don’t feel like going out every 
weekend. Remember that you’re in charge of the decisions you make, so don’t let them give you 
unnecessary anxiety. 
Above all, enjoy your last semester! Take pictures, write down memories and have a blast. 
I'm a senior in my last semester at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas. I'm a triathlete, cat lover and marathoner of tv shows. siempresarita.com