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6 Lies You Are Likely To Tell Your Family This Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sonoma chapter.

With the holidays approaching, it is finally time for holiday cheer, homemade meals, and the end of the semester!  For most of us, the holidays are a time to see relatives and eat until you can no longer take another bite. But while eating unlimited plates of delicious food is something that we look forward to, having to answer a million questions from your relatives about how school is going is something we all probably try to avoid. Here are the top 6 lies you will most likely tell this holiday season. 


1. “School is going great.” This is probably the most common lie we all say to our parents. The conversation will probably go something along the lines, that of course you love all your classes, spend nights at the library and do all your homework on time. When in reality you have probably contemplated dropping out at least 5 times this semester.


 2. “ I go to bed early.”  You want your parents to think that you are making responsible choices while away from home, so you lie and say that you are getting a full night’s rest on a weekday. When in reality you are probably pulling an all nighter for something due tomorrow, or binge watching a series because it is just getting to good.

3. “I do laundry every week.” As weeks pass, you get more and more swamped with homework, work, or other activities. It can get so hectic, that laundry is probably not your priority and it can be weeks before you finally get to it. Little do your parents know that when a load cost $2.00,  that you will  probably wear the same bra for a while or buy socks when you run out instead of washing.



​4. “I eat breakfast every day, and stay active.” Okay, so that might not be exactly what you say, but you definetly try and make it seem like you don’t have top ramen for dinner at least once a week, that instead you have an actual meal. You also won’t admit that in your spare time you’re most likely to be found in your bed either catching up on sleep or on an episode.



5. “I spend my weekends catching up on errands, and on sleep.”  This is probably the biggest lie you will tell your family, because we all know that on weekends you are more than likely to take a shot for every assignment you completed this week then sleeping on a Saturday night.


6. “I know exactly what I want to do with my life.”  For some, this may not even be a lie at all, and to those I commend you! But for most of us, we are kind of just figuring out life every day at a time. You want your parents to think that you are on track to graduate, and on track to your career. However, chances are you probably do not even know what you are going to have for dinner, let alone where you want to work in 5 years.

Regardless of how your conversation with your family goes, just remember that at least you can have a delicious meal while being grilled with questions! 



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Gaby Medina is a third year at Sonoma State University majoring in Business Admin. She grew up by the beach in a small Hispanic community in Santa Cruz Country, CA; where she was raised in a Mexican household. She loves dogs, tacos, wine and to write articles that others can relate too. She also loves being honest about experiences she's been through in hopes will help others going through the same things. She hopes to work for one of her favorite companies one day like Twitter,  Netflix, or Anastasia Beverly Hills. 
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