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Healthy Snacks to Have on Hand in Your Dorm Room

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Are you starting to get tired of the “snack” options in your dining hall? Are your snack choices starting to make you feel low on energy? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then you’re in luck! Here are ten healthy snacks that you can have in your dorm room and on the go!

1. Trail mix

Trail mix is one of my go-to snacks. The mix of nuts, peanuts, raisins, and some kind of chocolate fixes that sweet and salty craving. I just have to watch out for not eating the entire bag, because it can be addicting. Making your own trail mix is also a nice option because you can personalize it to what you like!

2. Yogurt and granola

Greek yogurt with granola is one of my favorite snacks, but it can also serve as a quick morning breakfast as well. My favorite Greek yogurt is the Cabot brand, but Oikos is also a good brand! Homemade granola is always best, but because you’re at college, I also really like the Cascadian Farm Organic brand of granola.

3. Granola bars

Granola bars are a quick and easy snack that you can bring with you to classes. If you have classes from 8-1 or you just don’t have time to grab lunch, granola bars are great to hold you over until you can get your next meal. Clif Bars and Kashi are some of my favorite!

4. Carrot sticks and hummus

I have to admit that I haven’t always been a huge fan of hummus, or carrot sticks for that matter. However, hummus is a great thing to have in your fridge, and you don’t just have to use carrot sticks. Celery sticks also work, or even the next few items.

5. Pretzels

If you’re craving something salty, pretzels are another one of my favorite snacks. You can dip them in hummus or just have them on their own. Instead of having chips, I feel like pretzels are a healthier option.

6. Rice cakes

Rice cakes, although they might be bland, go really well with hummus, especially if you buy the thin ones. They’re a blank slate, so you could also put peanut butter on them, but they also make flavored rice cakes as well.

7. Dried fruit

Unsweetened dried fruit is a great option if you’re craving something sweet. I really enjoy the dried mango from Trader Joe’s. Just make sure it’s unsweetened, because most of the time the extra sugar isn’t needed.

8. Popcorn


Although Smartfood is one of the best ways to have popcorn in my opinion, a healthier option would be Skinny Pop. It doesn’t contain as much sodium as a microwave bag of popcorn and it’s also a good source of fiber!

9. Nuts

Peanuts, cashews, and almonds are my favorite to have. Nuts are good for snacking because they’ll provide you with energy and fill you up pretty quickly. If you wanted to be even healthier, try buying  unsalted nuts so that your sodium intake isn’t as high.

10. Cheese

Last but not least is cheese. Cheese is high in protein and calcium, so it’s perfect for an afternoon snack. Cheese sticks and the Mini Babybel cheese are good on the go options!

Sophomore at Saint Michael's College. Lover of Starbucks, social media, and all things sweet.