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12 Things Only Yogis Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

1. Getting frustrated by people speaking during your class



2. When someone takes “your spot” on the floor #notokay


3. When people bring phones into class #yogaetiquette



4. Judging you on the brand of yoga gear you have #lululemon



5. Getting up after shavasana #icantmove



6. Finally being able to do birds of paradise #accomplished



7. Sitting in the front #checkingmyselfoutinthemirror



8. Farting, queefing, or making sounds in class #oops


9. Using your vinyasa dog as your “break” #ineedabreak



10. Committing your self to a one-month unlimited pass is difficult



11. Trying not to pass out #helpme



12. Never understanding what “Namaste” really means

A senior at Skidmore College, who loves beagles, batman, and sushi. You can find me dreaming about Anderson Cooper and doing crossword puzzles.