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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Growing up snow was the greatest thing… EVER! It gave us the hopes of a snow day, left us dreaming of snowmen and craving hot cocoa. What’s a snow day without the pre-snow tricks? Of course these included; putting a spoon under your pillow, sleeping with your pajamas inside out and flushing ice cubes down the toilet. We all know that’s the real reason it snowed; Mother Nature couldn’t handle it without a little snow day magic. But in reality there was nothing better than a snow day. Today however, our feelings for snow have changed ever so slightly and not for the better. Allow me to take you through a typical snow filled day… well at least for most of us.

Getting out of BedAs if getting out of bed isn’t hard enough, on a snowy, cold day it becomes ten times more difficult. When you wake up you instantly feel a chill run up your spine, ugh darn draft. The thought of leaving your bed physically pains you. After your fifth alarm goes off you decide it’s time to take the plunge. Time to face reality that it snowed, it’s cold and we still have class.

Finding an Outfit On days when the temperature drops to single digits it makes picking out an outfit impossible. You know your classroom is going to be a sauna, but the trek to Hyland is going to be freezing. Either way it’s a lose-lose situation. You can take layers off, you can’t put more on, so better prepare for the worst.

Walking Outside The doors of your house or dorm hall open and you instantly feel like you were hit with a pound of bricks. How can it be so cold out?! Just how? Even with your hat, gloves, scarf and tons of layers you’re still frozen. As the cold hits you and starts to set in you wonder if you should just turn around and go back upstairs. Class is so far away and let’s get real it won’t be getting warmer any time soon.

Trying Not to FallWalking down the commons is a challenge on a regular day but it’s even worse when the wind gives you an extra push. Between the slush and ice your walk has turned into a figure skating routine… and all you can think is “please, please don’t let me fall and spill my skinny chai tea latte.” 

Getting to class After hiking through the snow and the fact that you’re wearing ten layers arriving to your sauna of a classroom doesn’t help. Not only are you sweating, you’re trying to take off your layers without having the whole class stare at you. You’re now “that girl” who walked in bundled up, carrying her Starbucks while sweat drips down her face and she bumps into your desk on her way to her seat. This class is already off to a rough start then the professor starts speaking…….

The Gym DebateCold weather makes that internal struggle of knowing you should go to the gym and not wanting to leave your room feel like you’re trying to run a marathon. Only if you were a marathon runner you wouldn’t be feeling this way, you’d already be in the gym jamming out to Beyoncé. But since you aren’t you sit on your couch and think about how Nutella and Say Yes to the Dress sounds so much better than the elliptical.

At the End of the DayAfter you finally give in to the Say Yes to the Dress marathon you come to the realization that you’re going nowhere. You’ve been regretting your decision to leave your warm apartment/house/dorm since the moment you felt the cold. Now that classes are finished the only thing you’re doing is checking your social media accounts and Shapchatting all your friends about how you can’t stand the cold.

Elise is a Jersey girl who loves to travel the world, she enjoys keeping up with the latest fashion trends and believes an Instagram a day keeps the doctor away. She is a senior at the University of Scranton majoring in Strategic Communication with a minor in Writing. Elise is the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Scranton, which she co-founded in September 2014 with her best friend Samantha (every brunette needs a blonde right?) This past summer she interned in Public Relations at The Thomas Collective, a boutique lifestyle agency in New York City. When her toes are not in the sand, she’s hailing a cab or packing her bags ready to jet set anywhere and everywhere. Fun Fact: Elise is a member of Scranton’s Equestrian team. Follow her on Instagram @liseyleelee and on Twitter @eliseteresa!