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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

I can’t believe classes started a week ago! The start of the school year is probably one of my favorite times of the year. Partially because I love school supplies, but also because fall is one of my favorite seasons. With the start of a new school year though it’s easy to push off getting organized.  Here are some tips and tricks that will help set you up for a great semester:


1. Fill out a time budget sheet.

If you haven’t heard about these yet they are amazing. You can pick one up from the Shephard Academic Resource Center on the first floor of Buckley Center or on their website. It’s main purpose is just a way for you to map out your week with your classes and anything else that’s on your plate. It’s a great tool to help you figure out when you’re free. The best part is that it’s pretty much a coloring sheet, but it’s super useful.

2. Put those syllabi dates into your planner.

I don’t know about you guys, but I love having a planner. Besides being super cute, they are one of the best ways to stay organized. You know all those syllabi that your teacher went over the first day of class? Make sure to put the dates for big tests and assignment due dates into your planner now, so then they don’t sneak up on you. I would hold off on writing every single homework assignment for the entire semester right now because most likely those assignments will change. Grab some colored pens and go for it


3. Don’t just sit in your dorm.

Your homework load might not be that heavy right now, which is great! The sad part though is that this never lasts for the whole semester. Right now is the time to go out and explore Portland, try out some fitness classes at the Rec center, join some clubs and just meet new people. Just because you don’t have a lot of homework right now, doesn’t mean you should just stay in your dorm room and watch Netflix.  With your time budget sheet all filled out, you’ll be able to see what you really have time for, so then you don’t overload yourself. Missed the Activities Fair? No problem! Some club meeting times are posted on the calendar on the Pilots page or just ask around to find out. Don’t know any places to go to off campus? Ask your RA, a Community Assistant, your Workshop Leader or someone from one of your classes. And there’s always Google and Pinterest!

Victoria is a senior marketing major with a sustainability minor at the University of Portland. In her free time, she loves browsing the aisles of Target, exploring Portland and drinking chocolate milk. When in doubt her outfits are almost entirely from Old Navy and you can normally find her in Kenna Hall where she is one of the Resident Assistants.