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Six Ways to Find Small Happiness During Midterms Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

College life is full of stress, and with midterms approaching, college can seem a lot worse than it did two months ago. Here are some small ways to increase your daily measure of happiness. May the force be with you!

1. A walk to remember.

Take a walk by yourself or with some friends and admire the changing fall colors. They’ll surely turn those stress lines into smiles.

2. Phone a friend.

It might be a helpline on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, but phoning a friend can help you relax like nothing else. That childhood friend who you haven’t had the time to call lately? Give your fingers a break from texting and make a quick call. It doesn’t have to be long, but every little minute will exponentially increase your satisfaction.

3. Exercise!

We can’t emphasize this enough. Exercise has been known to release endorphins (hormones that boost your happiness). So that smile you get after running a half-mile? It’s not just your mind playing tricks on you – your body genuinely appreciates your efforts! So take a break from those textbooks and take a brisk walk or head to the Pete to workout. You could even take your exam prep there and kill two birds with one stone.

4. Have a dance party for one.

Stressed out after that paper? Can’t study anymore? Lock your door and turn up the music. No one gets to interfere with your private dance party – and no one can judge you for being a total klutz. Just get a beat going, wear some funky pajamas and rock out like your inner drama queen!

5. On Tuesdays we have puppies!

Need some furry de-stressing? Every Tuesday at 7 pm, the Cathedral Commons are full of – you guessed it – puppies! You can pet them, pick them up, rub their tummies, oh, it’s paradise and it’s a sure way of forgetting your worries and school blues for an hour. Those pups will turn your frown upside down!

6. Laugh until your sides hurt!

There are so many things out there that can make you laugh – TV sitcoms, the lyrics of Anaconda, 50 Shades of Why on Tumblr, your friends, the list is never-ending. Why not capitalize on these opportunities and laugh more? Laughter really is the best medicine; it will boost your immune system and your mood sooner than you can say ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!’ So find those little things that make you laugh and don’t be afraid to let it go!

Image credit: 2, 3, 46; others taken by author

I'm a senior at the University of Pittsburgh who loves traveling the world, writing, and college life in general. My majors are Environmental Studies and Biology, but I want to focus on journalism too if possible. I'm super passionate about Model United Nations, of which I am now president (yay!), and the environment. I'm a very happy, enthusiastic person who loves pickles and twizzlers and brightly-colored nailpolish and long dangly earrings, among other things. Her Campus is my favourite website and I'm so excited to be a part of Pitt's campus chapter!
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt