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10 Things English Majors are Tired of Hearing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

As a part of being liberal arts students, English majors often take a beating for pursuing their passion. This time we are stepping up and defending ourselves because, believe it or not, we are needed in the world as much as any other major is. Here are the 10 things we are tired of hearing.

1. What are you going to DO with that?

I’m going to do SO MUCH with my degree, actually. People only read newspapers, magazines, books, articles, descriptions, manuals, and advertisements every day. Someone actually writes those, and different people with English degrees edit them, too!

2. So you want to be a teacher?

Okay, teaching is one of the many jobs I can have with an English degree, but it’s not the only one. Assuming I want to be a teacher is like assuming a biology major wants to be a doctor.

3. You’ll never get a job.

Basically anyone who isn’t going into the medical, engineering, or business field hears this. So I have to work a little harder to find a job? That doesn’t mean I won’t get one, and the competiveness will only drive me to have a stronger work ethic.

4. Even if you get a job you will be poor.

Barbra Walters, Mitt Romney, Conan O’Brien, Steven Spielberg, Clarence Tomas, Bob Woodward… shall I continue? Some of the words leading politicians, CEOs, and journalists have English degrees. Not to mention best-selling authors. Even if I don’t strike it rich, I would rather be happy and genuinely enjoy my job than be rich and miserable.

5. So you’re going to marry rich.

This goes along with the assuming I’m going to be poor thing. Believe it or not my degree can make me enough money to support myself. Also it’s never okay to assume someone would marry for money.

6. Have you read the book _____?

Surprisingly, I am not some sort of book wizard who has read every single book in the world.

7. How do you spell_____?

Again, I am not a word wizard who spends my time memorizing the dictionary.

8. You made a grammar error; I thought you were supposed to be an English major!

Again, I AM NOT A WIZARD. I am human, I make mistakes. I don’t really spend my time meticulously proof reading a text message about dinner plans.

9. Your classes must be so easy.

No matter what your major is, college classes are never easy. English majors have to work just as hard as everyone else. Believe me, there is nothing easy about staying up all night writing and perfecting a twelve-page paper on the human condition.

10. Ugh. I hate reading/writing.

Well, it’s good that I’m the English major, then! You see, there’s this beautiful system where English majors do the jobs science majors don’t want to do and vice versa. I do my passion, you do yours.


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Kelly is the President/ Campus Correspondent at HC Pitt. She is a senior double majoring in English writing and communication rhetoric while pursuing a certificate in digital media. Writing has always been a passion of hers, and she hopes to work in book publishing and a best-selling author one day. She works as a tutor at Pitt's Writing Center and an intern at Creative Media Agency Inc. In her free time, she works on her novel, reads stacks of books and explores Pittsburgh with her friends.
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