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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pace chapter.


Hardworking, sociable, innovative, clever, and always looking sharp accurately describe Gregory Coleman. Coleman, now a sophomore at Pace University, is a campus celebrity as everyone, including faculty members, stop Greg on the way to class or back to their dorm room and pick up a brief yet friendly conversation. To know Greg is getting to know a kind hearted person who is making his mark within the Pace community while doing it with a smile. 

Name: Gregory Coleman

Year: Sophomore

Major: Business Economics

Minor: Sociology and Anthrologopy

What activities are you involved in here at Pace University? “I am a desk attendant for the residence halls. I am a member of RHA, Pace Board, and the Economics’ Society. It’s hard because the meeting for Economic Society sometimes interferes with my classes, but I try to make the meetings as much as I can. I am also a Resident Advisor for Beekman.”

Why did you want to become an RA? “Well, in high school I did a lot of community building stuff, so I felt like it was a natural progression. I genuinely do like to pull people together. It’s fun; you can meet a lot of new people, specifically, my residents. Residents are great and I love my floor! Also, you do get to help a lot of people even with the small things. Going into it I thought, ‘If you can help anyone, It makes anyone, especially me, feel good and happy for helping someone.’ ”

What activities do you like to do outside of Pace? “I like to run, I like football, and comic books. I am a big comic book reader. I like to write as well; it’s like a stress relief. I also go for walks throughout New York.”

What is something the Pace community would be surprised to know about you? “Am I surprising? Well, I used to work for the F.D.A. (Food & Drug Administration). 

What was your job there? “I would try to prevent the sale of tobacco to minors.”

Since you are now a sophomore, what advice would you tell freshman here at Pace University about their first year? “It is hard. But don’t let that overwhelm you as you need time for yourself or else you won’t like school because you will only associate it with how stressful it is. Also, try to separate the space you are working in from the space you are living. For example, don’t do homework in your bed, because whenever you go into your bed you are going to think ‘this is the place where I work’. It is not healthy. I would say friend wise; make sure you have your homies because homies help homies. Having people around you makes you a lot happier. Keep your homies close! Especially if you are not from New York, I’d be open to a lot of new things because there is a lot to do in New York. Granted I’m from Philly and there is a lot of activities to do there, but you do get more out of the college experience if you are open to trying new things. Make sure you are open otherwise you might as well stay home because you are missing out on what New York has to offer.”

What is one thing you would like to accomplish this year whether it is related to your personal life or school related? “Keeping a good GPA is obvious. I think getting out more. I do have friends and I do stuff but I want to explore. I’ll walk somewhere but I have not seen much of Brooklyn, which I think would be really nice to see. I haven’t seen anywhere past 82nd street in Manhattan. In general, I would like to explore more of the city and see what there is around New York. Because it is huge!”

What do you plan to do after you graduate Pace? “I’m currently working on a publishing firm for graphic novel comic books. Short term, I want the company up and running and hopefully profitable. Long term, I would like to get into Politics. And if that does not work out, I would like to go into the U.N. or tank. Tank is a field that is used for research, typically within the government. You look through ideas and read huge stacks of research. I think it would be fun.”

Hey everyone! My name is Ariana Gavriilidis. I am from a small town in New Jersey and I now reside in New York City! I am earning a Bachelor of Arts from Pace University in Communications with a Concentration in Media, Communications, and Visual Arts. I also have a minor in Arts and Entertainment Management. In my spare time I enjoy photography, working out, and seeing as many movies as possible! I am excited to be apart of Her Campus as writing has always been my passion. Make sure to check out my articles as well as my radio show, Winging it with Ariana, where I have new episodes every Tuesday! https://www.mixcloud.com/WIWARIANA/
Her Campus Pace Contributor