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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

By this point in the semester, you have probably experienced your first round of midterms and you’ve been stressed the past couple of weeks. While it’s certainly important that you study hard and do your best, constantly stressing can wreak havoc on your body, so it’s essential to know the best ways to relax after a stressful time. The following are just a few ways you can relax during exam week.

1. Take breaks.

Some people can study for hours upon end, but for most of us, our brains need a break. Don’t feel bad for giving your mind a rest and grabbing a snack or checking social media. However, it’s best to set an alarm for no more than fifteen minutes, so you have a little break but you don’t completely forget about your studying.

2. Don’t procrastinate.

I’m the queen of procrastinating. Whether it’s falling into a black hole of cat videos on Youtube or refreshing Instagram every thirty seconds, I do whatever it takes to avoid doing my work. And then, an hour before an assignment is due, I hate myself for slacking so much.

Getting through college like this may seem like the easy route, but there’s a much easier way. You may not realize it while you’re procrastinating, but if you wait until right before an assignment is due, your body will be in a lot of stress.  

Instead of procrastinating, write out exactly what you need to get done each day and by what time. Allow breaks in between so you don’t stress about how full your schedule is and you will still have time to do what you love.

3. Puppies.

I’m pretty sure it’s a scientific fact that just looking at puppies (or kittens, if you’re into that) can make anyone relax. So, I’ve gathered my favorite puppy Instagram accounts for your de-stressing needs. Follow them right now, immediately.

Yes, exams are super important, but so is your health. Don’t forget to take breaks to eat and relax and always make sure to get enough sleep so you can do your best on exam day. Good luck this semester!

Shelby is an aspiring novelist and current college student. She is pursuing marketing and public relations, but she would much prefer being a full-time writer so she can stay in her pajamas all day. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys playing piano, binge-watching Parks and Rec, and reading anything with words.