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6 Things Freshmen Need to Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ole Miss chapter.

6 Things Freshmen Need to Know

By: Caroline Lyell 

It’s the beginning of a new chapter in your life. You’re embarking on a great adventure, setting sail for the high seas of adulthood! You’re trekking the great wilderness of life, you’re…? ?Ok that’s it. I can’t write any more of these cheesy phrases that every single adult has told you since the beginning of senior year in high school. The truth is, college is not as daunting as everyone keeps telling you. You’re not a pirate, and you’re not one half of the Lewis and Clark expedition, so those little adages aren’t exactly fitting. You’re an 18-year-old leaving home and starting your life as an independent person. Life is about to change dramatically in both good and bad ways. So before you start your college career (or treasure hunting if you’re actually a pirate), here are some tips that I wish someone would have told me at the beginning of my freshman year.?

?#1- Naps are your friend? ?Everyone needs them, and you can do it anywhere. At home, on the couch at the local coffee shop, or even on the library shelf if you’re feeling adventurous. Whether you’re the seasoned napping extraordinaire or you haven’t napped since kindergarten, it is an essential activity for every college kid. If you were like me, then your routine for the past 12 years has probably been going to school for 8 hours a day, and sleep was nonexistent. Well welcome to college schedules, where the average class load is 15 hours a week! The beauty of napping is that with the added breaks between classes, you can get the sleep you need, yet still have time for homework or those late night binges of Netflix movies. So roll out those mats (if you’re super hardcore) and get an extra fluffy pillow, because you and napping are about to become besties.? 

?This, ladies and gentlemen, is true dedication.? ? ? ?

? ?#2- Take a phys ed class? ?This may sound lame to some people, but this is a fantastic way to boost your GPA—and avoid the ominous Freshman 15. Ole Miss offers every single PE class you can imagine, from tennis, to fencing (which I’m currently taking), and even scuba diving.

My go-to excuse for skipping workouts is that I never “have enough time”. Well, exercise is a lot harder to avoid if a grade is riding on it, so if you want to raise your GPA as well as your metabolism, then an exercise class is the way to go.? 

#3 Invest in a comfortable pair of wedges? ?I’m going to assume that you fashionable collegiettes™ already have a multitude of stiletto heels. Now don’t get me wrong, I’d love to wear a pair of 8-inch Louboutin platform pumps every day; but for football season, wedges are a must. Heels may make your legs look great, or if you’re short like me—though I prefer the term “fun-sized”—heels allow you to pretend you’re over 5’3” in height. But as soon as your pumps hit the grove, your heels automatically sink into the ground. And through the pre-game groving, actual football game, and post-game groving, your gams are going to hurt. A LOT. So be smart and get a cute pair of wedges or flats. Otherwise, your feet will never recover.? 

#4- Be Organized? ?On a scale of one to train wreck, my organization skills are around the level of Lindsay Lohan. But this year I’m trying to keep a regularly updated calendar with assignment due dates and events so I won’t be too overwhelmed. With organization comes better time management, so a planner should be essential on your school supply list. And don’t worry, there are absolutely adorable planners from brands like Lilly Pullitzer and Vera Bradley to keep your social events in check and in style.? 

Looks like my notebook’s gonna have to go back to rehab.? 

#5- Moderation is Key? ?Like I previously stated, you’re now away from home with a new level of independence that you’ve probably never experienced. Ergo, it seems like you have absolute freedom. Wanna eat pizza for breakfast? Wear pajamas at 3 in the afternoon? Not shower for 3 days? (Although I strongly advise you not to do this if you want to have friends).? 

You can do all of these things and no one will punish you for it. However, I’d think twice before cutting loose and partying almost every night of the weekYes, no one is technically stopping you; but you want to make sure that you lead a balanced life. Whether you’re on scholarship or your parents are footing the bill, college is supposed to be about learning. Parties and other social events are just the added bonus of receiving a higher education and should be treated as such. And speaking of learning…? 

I honestly cannot stress this enough. Unless the class takes place online, your bum should be in that desk every day. I know it may be tempting to just skip class and get notes from the cute guy who sits in front of you, but TRUST me, going to class is invaluable. 

Many teachers have participation points that count to your final grade, which can make the difference between failing and passing a class. Plus, if you’re struggling with the class or can’t grasp a certain concept, the teacher is usually more inclined to help a student who is an active participant.? ? ?Well that’s all I can think of at the moment. Hopefully these tips will make your freshman year a little less stressful! And if they don’t, I promise to give you a full refund on whatever damages this cost you*.? ?*just kidding. But seriously, I hope this helps.


Caroline is a sophomore at the University of Mississippi majoring in Journalism. After transferring from a different university, she is very excited to join the Ole Miss community. She also enjoys the finer things in life like reading Harry Potter Her hobbies include theatre, Netflix, and trying to consolidate space in her closet for the massive amounts of shoes she buys.