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20 Reasons To Stay On Your Year Abroad Forever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

It’s coming to that time of your year abroad when you’ve forgotten what your bedroom at home looks like and the family has started a countdown until you’re back in the UK. But what if you’re not ready to go home yet? Here are some excuses to put off buying your plane ticket home and stay on your year abroad for a little longer.


1. I haven’t seen winter/ Christmas/ Thanksgiving/ New Year in this country yet.


2. I’ve never been more patriotic.


3. Every day here is an adventure.


4. I didn’t get a reply to the message in a bottle I wrote.


5. I’ve forgotten my table manners.


6. I still haven’t finished my year abroad diary.


7. I haven’t dreamt in Chinese yet.


8. Life is much cheaper here; I feel so rich.


9a. My bucket list isn’t complete, I still haven’t surfed with an alpaca…


b. …Or eaten a watermelon in under two seconds.


10. I’m still waiting for the letter you posted two months ago.


11. I’m hooked to China’s Got Talent and China’s version of Take Me Out.


12. It’s so beautiful here.


13. Taking a few seconds to understand what somebody is telling you, and then being like ohhh.



14. In the UK I’m not treated like a celebrity.


15. Here they have green tea flavoured Oreos.


16. I still haven’t decided if I like the real or fake version.


17. It rains a lot in England.


18. It’s not a ‘year abroad’ if I don’t spend a whole calendar year abroad.



19. I haven’t taken enough selfies.


20. Some people still think Justin Bieber is English.


Edited by Luisa Parnell

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Leona Hinds


Leona is a final year languages student. This year she's back in Nottingham after spending her year abroad in the Canary Islands and China. She is sporty, curious and has a weakness for Kit Kat Chunkys.
Sam is a Third Year at the University of Nottingham, England and Campus Correspondent for HC Nottingham. She is studying English and would love a career in journalism or marketing (to name two very broad industries). But for now, her favourite pastimes include nightclubs, ebay, cooking, reading, hunting down new music, watching thought-provoking films, chatting, and attempting to find a sport/workout regime that she enjoys!