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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Freshman year is an adjustment period. You pack your life up and move away from home for what is probably the first time in your life. You have to meet new people, live in a super small space, and do well in school while also balancing a social life. You’ll probably gain weight from late night Pizza Hut and Taco Bell runs and won’t get the straight A’s that you’re used to. It’s easy to get discouraged, frustrated and depressed, but there are a few things that I learned along the way that helped me get through it all.

1. Keep smiling

When sadness, stress, frustration and exhaustion become too much, it’s hard to keep it together. But rather than let those moments destroy you, you have to stay strong. Put a smile on your face and remind yourself that it’s a great day to be alive, even if you don’t believe it. Share your smile with others who are probably feeling the same way you do. Remember that you are not alone, that you are loved, and that you go to the University of Notre Dame. Smile because you deserve it.

2. College friends are forever friends

They see you at your absolute best and your absolute worst within just a few months of meeting you. They quickly learn what irritates you, what makes you laugh, what song to play when you need a dance party, and what to get you from Starbucks. You share almost everything with each other, including your clothes and your bed. Sometimes, by the grace of God, random roommate assignments give you the best friends you could ever ask for. Sometimes you meet them through your dorm, Frosh-O, in class, or at a party. Whoever they are, however you found them, keep them close. Lean on them. Ask them for advice. Remind them that you couldn’t do this college thing without them. Love them. They’ll be the people you invite to your wedding someday.

3. Follow your passion

I started out as a pre-med major, even though the thought of science makes me cringe, and ended up dropping Gen Chem by Fall Break. I knew what I loved, but didn’t think to pursue it at first for fear of not being what society considers “successful.” Then I realized that following my heart was more important to me than being the next Meredith Grey. If you do what you love and love what you do, success will come. You will be happy. You will excel in what you do because of your passion and drive. You will inspire others to follow their own dreams. This is the kind of success that we should all strive for. (Read more following your heart here!) 

4. Avoid negativity

Having a negative attitude will get you nowhere. By constantly complaining, whining, and focusing only on what goes wrong rather than what goes right, you’re only bringing yourself and those around you down. Sometimes life is hard and nothing seems to be going your way, but that doesn’t mean things will always be that way. If you turn your focus to all of the positive aspects of your life, even if they seem to be small and insignificant, the negativity will begin to fall away. Maintaining a happy, positive attitude will enhance your life, people will enjoy being around you, and you will have the right mindset to accomplish amazing things.

5. Love yourself

Walk with your head held high. Be kind to everyone, even those who don’t treat you well. Know your worth. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Be confident in who you are and what you stand for. Don’t allow others to tell you what to do, where to go, or who to be. Know that there is only one of you in this world and that you are awesome.


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The HCND application is now open! For more information contact Rebecca Rogalski at rrogalsk@nd.edu or Katrina Linden at klinden1@nd.edu.


Images: 1, 2 provided by author, 3, 4, 5


Alexa Beining is a Notre Dame sophomore majoring in English. She is originally from Butler, PA and can often be caught saying that she's from Pittsburgh (much like the Chicago suburb dwellers claim they're from Chicago). She is a self-proclaimed horrible texter and spends most of her time obsessing over cats, admiring beautiful men from afar, eating dairy products (even though she's lactose intolerant), watching Bob's Burgers or Grey's Anatomy, reading, taking double chin selfies, and online shopping for things she can't actually afford. She's a proud member of the Cavanaugh Chaos and can usually be found screaming about sports somewhere with glitter in her eyes and hair.