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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Name: Cortney Kovacic

Year: Senior

Major: Supply chain management 

Hometown: Romeo, Michigan

Why did you choose supply chain?

I knew I wanted to be a business major, and after learning how broad supply chain is and that every company has some sort of supply chain, I was really interested because I could get to work in all sorts of industries like food, automotive, etc.

What was your process for finding a job when you graduate?

I knew that the business college career fair would be a great way to get in touch with a lot of the big companies I was interested in. So I did research on the companies I was most interested in and then I did a lot of preparation before the career fair, from resume building to picking out the perfect outfit. When there are thousands of people attending, it’s really important to do things to stand out, so you want to be extremely prepared. I ended up with four interviews after the career fair and ended up accepting a job offer from General Motors.

What advice would you give to underclassmen?

Be on top of your game starting freshman year. Go to events, get your name out there, just start early. Even if you don’t think what you’re doing as a freshman will have no impact, it will. But also, enjoy college. I know everyone says that but I definitely stressed more freshman and sophomore year than I needed to. I wish I had done more those first years.

How do you cope with exam week?

Plan ahead, make a checklist, make another checklist and then check your lists! Allocate your time wisely and just keep telling yourself it will all be over soon enough. Also, take food breaks. This is very important.

What is your favorite thing about MSU?

The people I’ve met and the atmosphere of the school in general. The energy of this school, at tailgates and other events, always makes this big school feel small because we’re all part of the same thing here.

Who is your celebrity crush?

Miles Teller or Ryan Gosling…but Miles Teller was the first to come to mind.

What are you looking forward to the most about this holiday season?

FOOD! But also being able to relax and hang out with friends and family and not having to worry about a single damn thing.

I am a Senior at Michigan State University, majoring in Communications and minoring in PR. I love to sing in the car, play with my dog, and find new recipes to make for my roommates. Also, Netflix is life.
Content creator. Editor. Pop culture enthusiast.