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20 Thoughts I Have Had Since Being Back On Marywood’s Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marywood chapter.

The Snow Day…

  1. “Seriously Marywood? This school is 50% commuters. Cancel class.”
  2. “We are delayed until noon. What is even the point of having classes?”
  3. “If they don’t cancel, I am not going.”
  4. “And… Marywood is canceled on Day 1. We are off to a great semester.”
  5. “It looks to much like Christmas for break to be over.”

The Day After the Snow Day

  1. “A 5 million dollar library with sidewalks that can’t be shoveled.”
  2. “I am not going to know anyone in my class. I’m not going.”
  3. “The roads are awful. School should have been canceled today too.”
  4. “Is it Easter Break yet?”
  5. *knows every person in class* “This school is too small. I want to meet new people.”

The First Weekend

  1. “I am not going to any house parties tonight.”
  2. “Definitely not going to the lax house tonight.”
  3. *1 hour later (at the lax house)* “I literally love this school and all these people.”
  4. “Except you, I really don’t like you.”
  5. “The lax team gets hotterr with age.”

The First Week

  1. “I have 3 papers, a lit review, and two quizzes this week. I need to schedule in time to cry.”
  2. “Everything is fine.”
  3. “I need a nap.”
  4. “Is it Friday yet?”
  5. “Pacer Pride.”