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5 Things That Happen When You Start Catching Feelings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

I’m pretty sure we’ve all been there. When you’re just living your day to day life and the feels suddenly hit you. That’s when you realize that you’re in BIG trouble. Yes, I’m talking about that horrible yet exciting feeling you get when you start crushing on that cutie in your class. Here are 5 things that happen when you start catching feelings for someone and the 5 ways to deal with them.

1. You start feeling this weird sensation in your stomach and you stop to think, “Oh my gosh, what did I even eat today?” BUT, it’s not what you ate, honey, because those are called butterflies. Don’t worry because this is only the beginning…

2. You start talking to your friends about them A LOT. Seriously, your friends probably get tired of hearing you go on and on about this guy and even realize your feelings for him before you do. And your girls are rolling their eyes and are just like, “Shut up!”

3. You realize how cool your crush really is and you start daydreaming about them in class. You tell yourself it’s only because the class you’re in is boring, but you know you’re just in denial. Girl, you’ve caught the feels.

4.     You want to talk to them or text them, but you start doing that thing where you tell yourself, “I don’t want to annoy him,” or “I have to wait 5 minutes to reply because then he will think I’m too eager.”

5. You either want him to know your feelings, if you’re pretty brave, or you just want to crawl in a corner and hide your true feelings until you get over them. Either way, you don’t want to be rejected, so accepting that you like someone is one of the hardest things ever because what do you even do about it now?

Okay, so you’ve admitted to yourself that you are hopelessly head over heels for this guy. Now, what? You might use these 5 ways to deal with your feelings.

1. You eat ice cream all day, every day to distract you from the inner conflict you are having. As you are scarfing down that Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia, you start to ponder what you want to do or if you should even do anything at all. Whatever goes through your mind at that time, you’re happy anyway because at least ice cream loves you.

2. You watch romantic movies, partly because you wish that was you and your crush, but also because you need some hope that one day maybe you can be in love and have someone love you as much as Noah loved Allie. Since Noah told Allie, “If you’re a bird, I’m a bird,” you start to wonder, “WHY CAN’T HE BE MY BIRD. I WANT A BIRD.”

3. You vent to your best girlfriends about those hardcore feels of yours and ask them about ways to get over them because you honestly don’t want to get hurt. Your friends either tell you to just tell the guy, so you can either move on or be the happiest girl ever, or they distract you by taking you with them to a shopping spree. Retail therapy always helps, am I right ladies?

4. You listen to love songs to try to decode the secret to falling in love, or rather, getting someone to fall in love with you. But then you get really distracted because music is the best creation known to man and you start having a dance party of 1 in your living room. No shame.

5. You decide that you’re an independent woman who doesn’t need a man…but then you realize that even though you don’t NEED anyone, you really would like having someone there for you, maybe just a tad. But hey, it’s okay because you can live vicariously through Monica and Chandler’s relationship when you watch Friends.

Christy is a senior Psychology and Spanish major. She is one of the Campus Correspondent's of Loyola Univeristy Chicago's Her Campus chapter. She basically lives for Zumba classes and corgis. Her passions include promoting domestic violence awareness and mental health awareness and she does so through Alpha Chi Omega and Active Minds!