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Survival Guide to Mocos

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lehigh chapter.

Mocos- Lehigh’s bizarre and unique way of tailgating. Most colleges have football games in the late afternoon or evening, allowing students to sleep in and tailgate at normal times. Lehigh has football games at 12:30 pm. This means pregames may start as early as 9 am. Most colleges dress in school colors and gear for football games. Although we are blessed to have such beautiful colors of brown and white, Lehigh students started a tradition long ago of wearing absolutely absurd and ridiculous outfits to football games. I’ve seen everything from bright red footie pajamas to full denim outfits – nothing is out of the question. Here are a few essentials you should stock up on before your first Mocos experience.

1) A bright colored hat – Waking up early on a Saturday morning can do mean things to our hair; a hat doubles as a fun accessory, and a shield for that post-party frat hair.
2) Shoes that can get ruined – If we get even a little bit of rain, the entire stadium and surrounding tailgating areas will be completely covered in mud. Make sure you have close toed or old shoes that can get dirty and protect your feet from whatever elements Goodman Stadium has to offer.
3) A shirt with a clever saying – If you’re having trouble putting together a fun and crazy outfit at the last minute, a shirt quoting something ridiculous is always a solid option. People will think you’re funny, and it will distract from the fact that your outfit might not be as ludicrous as theirs.
4) Knee socks – Just because.
5) A good satchel – You’ll need to have your ID and phone with you, so make sure you have a really good cross body bag to keep your belongings safe all day. It can be fun and crazy patterned too, as long as it has a zipper.
6) Cheap sunglasses – Sunglasses are a Mocos essential, but leave the Ray Bans behind. Clubs will be giving away cheap plastic sunglasses at the club fair; those are a perfect option for Mocos. That way if you lose them you won’t be $150 in the hole.