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What’s Wrong With Having a Relationship Song?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

My answer? Nothing. Relationships songs are both a fun and meaningful reminder of your significant other and the great times you have together. In many ways, it may seem like having a song is a high school thing, especially when dating in college seems to be one of the most taboo topics of this generation. On the other hand, relationship songs can also be a painful reminder after you part ways.

How do you know they’re worthy of a song? This is tough and something that’s probably answered by combining all of the points in this article. For me, it’s always sort of just happened. A song will constantly remind me of him or we’ll find ourselves listening to the same stuff on repeat and eventually it becomes the easiest way to make us smile. Let’s just say they’re worthy if you want them to be. 

It’s not rocket science: Having a song doesn’t mean hours of Spotify research to find the one with just the right lyrics and melody, it should be natural. Fast or slow, country or pop… It’s what YOU want.

So how do you pick it? It can be something you listen to in the car together or something that reminds you of each other when you’re apart. Allison, a sophomore at KU studying Education told me a little about her song with her man, Jason. 


(Picture from: http://38.media.tumblr.com/b25d37fda9654622ad8554298ee37627/tumblr_mqqt2…)

“It’s called ‘Let’s Play Birds’ by Fismoll. We haven’t really stated that it’s ‘our song,’ but being in a long distance relationship this summer [while on break from school] I always found myself playing this song when I missed him. We also listened to it a million times during the four days that we spent together and even now it reminds me of our roadtrip from Michigan to Chicago.”

Let it say something about you: It’s important to pick something that speaks to you, but it can also say a lot about the type of relationship you have. Let it speak volumes, in a good way.

Which leads me to my next point, No label? No problem: Although I’m a big proponent of clear relationships, there doesn’t have to be a coming out/announcement party that you and your SO have claimed a tune- that’s actually kind of weird. If there’s one thing we can learn from Allison and Jason, it’s that sometimes saying nothing does more than saying anything. 

It can be a gateway: If you’re stuck on the fence with someone you really care about and you’re tired of trying to navigate the grey waters of hanging out, introducing the idea of your own song can help push them to make a decision. I’m not suggesting that you use this to rope them in, because the unspoken sanctity of a song is fun and free, but sometimes a simple song is a enough to show them.


It’s a good way to regroup: After a big fight you both might be at a loss for words but ready to make up, having a simple way to say “I’m sorry, I love you,” is always a nice insurance policy.

It’s also just an easy way to say “I love you,”: Saying ‘I love you’ every single day can get old and start to lose its meaning, I once dated a guy who would call me and just play our song over the phone. It was thoughtful and I loved it and it seems that there’s a gold mine of opportunities for girls and guys alike, so get to it! 

There’s always fallout: I wouldn’t want to be anything other than real with you and that’s why I have to point out the obvious; a memory is a memory and that means that every time you hear it, you’ll think of them. But if you end on good terms, that might not be such a bad thing. 

So be warned: If you have a band you love or a song you’ll listen to every day for the rest of your life, let that be your song. Take it from someone with experience, Paramore and The Script have both unfortunately been burned by my past and are two of my favorite bands.

But most importantly, Don’t be afraid to let the romantic in you take over: Girls are oftentimes just as guilty as guys if there’s a lack of romance keeping you down. Don’t be afraid to let the romantic in you take over, the gesture will go miles and if there’s anyone you should be able to be real with, you’d think it’s him… Right?

It seems simple, but one song can make all of the difference in a relationship, especially when our generation is losing touch with the true meaning of romance. Be cheesy, have fun with it. No one said it had to be sad and slow. Choose “Anaconda” if you want… Although I’m not sure if that would be my first choice!