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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Harvard chapter.

Welcome back, Harvard! A new year means a whole new class full of cuties to spotlight here on Her Campus. If you know anyone, freshman to senior, who is worthy of this honor, let us know! We are always looking to single out those incredibly hard-working, awesomely attractive, and overall amazing students among us who disserve the honor of Campus Cutie.

This year’s first cutie most certainly fits that description. Meet Haley Baker, Class of 2017.

Haley is a sociology concentrator in Quincy House hailing from the mystical state of New Hampshire. Her Campus stalked her into the Quincy Dhall at lunch this week to quiz her about what it is she does on campus to make her a cutie.

HC: Where are you most likely to be found on campus?

HB: Anywhere with free food

HC: Your favorite thing to do on the weekends on campus?

HB: Eat

HC: Harvard’s best kept secret?

HB: Alex Yang.

HC: Can you rattle off to me everything you are involved in on campus?

HB: I’m on the track team, I do research for sociology on the effect of after school programs for at-risk high school students in urban environments on college success rates, and I’m involved in the the non-profit Raise Uganda Now.

HC: Ooooo that sounds cool. What’s Raise Uganda Now?

HB: It’s a nonprofit organization with the purpose of raising funds for this orphanage and school in Uganda with crazy-high need. The kids all need help to get educated and stay healthy and stuff, and that’s what we are trying to do.

HC: That’s awesome! If people who read this want to get involved, is there anything they can do to help?

HB: Yeah of course! We are currently looking for volunteers to join us. If anyone’s interested, they can check out our website, raiseugandanow.org. We are also looking for any donations, so spread the word and donate if you can. Oh, and we would love for people to organize fundraisers and stuff like that if they want to.

HC: So you’ve shared with us that you are a member of Harvard’s woman’s track team. What do you have to say to the accusation that the woman’s track team is the most attractive team on campus?

HB: Is that an accusation or an extremely accurate statement?

HC: What would be your ideal date at Harvard?

HB: Definitely has to include a burger and a milkshake. And then I wanna see a game.

HC: Which burger place?

HB: Bartley’s, for sure.

HC: And lastly, do you have any shout outs now that you’re Internet famous?

HB: Shout out to Kebba Krew. 

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