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What I Learned At Reebok FitHub’s Free Workout Class

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

Did you know that everyone in DC is super fit? Ok, maybe that’s not true…yet. Living in a busy city you may not realize that we have so many options to workout and be healthy. There are tons of classes offered just a short walk from the Foggy Bottom metro – and did I mention they’re free? I explored one of the many Georgetown options at the Reebok FitHub store on Wisconsin Avenue. Not only did a get a high-impact workout in only twenty minutes, but I also learned about nutrition and how to bring these moves into my dorm room! Couldn’t make it to the event? Here are the top five things I learned:

You don’t need weights: If HelWell isn’t your scene, you can still get your sweat on from the comfort of your own dorm room. You don’t even need to buy weights; if you use your body right, a body weight workout is all you need. Try push-ups, planks, squats, and burpees just to name a few. If you want to get advanced, use a sturdy chair for step-ups or a heavy textbook as weight.

Time doesn’t matter: Just because you hit the gym for hours doesn’t mean you’re getting the results you should be getting. What matters most is how intense your workouts are. We did a simple 20-minute work out, broken up into a five-circuit set, repeated three times. It was tough; I never thought I could sweat so much or be so sore after only 20 minutes! We’re all so busy, but you can literally get a high impact workout in in the same amount of time you can watch one New Girl episode on Netflix.

Consistency is key: Something that our trainer had us do was count our reps. We weren’t competing against each other, or even against ourselves. The goal was to get the same number every time. We weren’t quite there yet, but consistency is key to a workout. Forget about Einstein’s theory that doing the same thing over and over again expecting the same results is madness; it’s actually how you whip yourself into shape!

Pay attention in Biology: I consider myself a healthy eater. I love kale and quinoa and never turn down a nice smoothie. However, I’m not a huge biology person – and now I know that I should have been. The three main foods you should be eating are carbs, protein, and fats. What’s really essential is that you eat them in the right combination (and at the right time of day!). If you eat a carb and a fat together, your body will store that as fat. Add a protein into the mix for the best results and higher energy.

DC is a great place to work out!: Dangers a runner on a sidewalk might face aside, there are so many programs at your fingertips here in DC. Reebok FitHub hosts free classes almost daily. If you attend, you’re automatically eligible for a 15% discount and other special promotions! What’s better than working out with professional trainers, feeling good, and getting free stuff?


Melissa Minton is a junior at the George Washington University from New Jersey. She is majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications in the School of Media and Public Affairs. Along with being the Campus Correspondant for HC GWU, Melissa is the Vice President of a community service sorority, Epsilon Sigma Alpha. She has interned at Elle Magazine and hopes to one day write for a top fashion magazine.