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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

The countdown is on. We’ve arrived to those few remaining weeks before we can spend days laying aimlessly in the sun. But, before the anticipated summer break arrives, we have to bear through the last stretch of the semester, and through dreaded finals. 

All you can think about is Beach Week.

As we reach the final stretch of the semester, our favorite week of the year is coming up: Beach Week. This vacation week is spent on the beach with your friends, soaking up the sun, and definitely NOT studying. But until then, you’re stuck inside Fenwick Library, writing research papers and studying for finals. But when you do complete your last final and head out, the good times are sure to roll.

Its formal season.

With the end of the semester comes some of the best parties. You get to dress up and spend the night dancing away with your best friends reminiscing on the semester. But, instead of spending your precious hours with school, you become too preoccupied with painting coolers. Regretfully? Probably not. That is if you manage to find a date. Another stress to add to your already hectic month. May the odds be ever in your favor. 

Stress eating despite beach week and formals

With finals come the inevitable stress eating. A milkshake and extra large fries to calm my test nerves? Yes, please. But then comes the realization that while you’re eating your feelings, you’re now behind on your six week plan for your beach week body…and right in the middle of formal season. Oops! 



When day-partying becomes more consistent and so do your all-nighters

With the warm weather finally here, you can’t help but bask in it. But, as your day parties become more consistent, so do the all nighters. The fine line between academics and social life will be tested. Let the exhaustion and insane coffee drinking begin. 

As the stress escalates, so does your desire to just be a kid again.

Papers, tests and job applications… Make. It. Stop! This is the point in your college career that you realize you probably should have paid more attention in class and should have netflixed a little bit less. As the stress piles on you constantly wish that you could just be a kid again.

And despite the stress, you still procrastinate.

“I mean sure, the paper is due at the end of the week, but that’s what the rest of the week is for, right? I’ll just do it tomorrow and instead I’ll spend the night relaxing. I’ve already done a lot today, like going to ALL of my classes. I deserve to have the night off.” The internal dialogue that will happen frequently over the next four weeks.

When all of the work you procrastinated on starts piling up even more, and you fall behind on simple things, like laundry.

No one will be able to tell that I wore this shirt yesterday, right?

When your professor assigns the reading for finals and papers. 

This is usually the point of the semester when we all start to believe our professors have a secret plan to make everything due at the same time. 

To top it all off, you have to start looking at places to live for the summer and the stress of moving everything out. 

To dorm or not to dorm, that is the question.

But when it all just becomes a little bit too much, you’ll always have the support from your friends.


Good luck fellow collegiates! We, Chandler, Pheobe, Joey, Rachel, Ross, and Monica believe in you! Only one more month until freedom.

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Savannah Behrmann

George Mason University

I am a sophomore at George Mason, studying Communications with a concentration in journalism. My main campus involvements include being a sister of Alpha Omicron Pi International sorority, Mason Ambassadors, and contributing to both Mason Cable News and The Fourth Estate as a reporter. I hold a current internship in the Admissions Office, working specifically for the Washington Scholars Program. After interning for the Washington Journalism and Media Conference this past summer, I realized that journalism was absolutely what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing. I'm excited for my time at George Mason and to continue adventuring the DC area! You can catch me at Starbucks.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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