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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Confident on all playing fields, meet this weeks campus cutie, Joe Williams! Joe’s a member of the baseball team, has great hair, and knows how to bring a good time with him wherever he goes… what’s not to love?


Grad Year: 2018

Major: Sports Management

Hometown: Haymarket, VA

Relationship Status: Single


Why Mason?

I picked mason because I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to play baseball with my brother for a year. I also knew a decent amount of people here so I felt like it was a good fit for me personally.


Best thing about being a student-athlete?

Best thing about being a student athlete has to be the friendships I’ve made with my teammates and other athletes here. I have great teammates and friends here at mason because of having the privilege of being a student athlete.


Favorite past times:

My favorite past times are playing football, hunting and fishing.


Something people don’t know about you:

I can’t think of something nobody knows??? I’m an open book… maybe that my dad played professional football for the Redskins.


How would you describe your type:

My type of girl is a girl that respects herself, and a girl that has fun with whatever she does. Another huge plus is a girl that has a good sense of humor and can joke around with me.


Ideal date:

Ideal date would definitely have to be going to a professional baseball game.



Biggest turnoff:

Biggest turn off would be a self-centered girl that thinks she is better than everyone.


Celebrity crush?

Carrie Underwood



Favorite TV show?

Criminal Minds


Most likely to find you where on campus?

Most likely I’ll be in the field house.


Pictures belong to gomason.com and Joe Williams.

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Lindsey Tangeman

George Mason University

George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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