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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

After a semester of all-nighters and endless cups of coffee, the hard work has finally paid off. It may be tempting to sit back and indulge in a few seasons of Netflix, but now is the perfect time to set yourself up for a successful spring semester.

1. Volunteer

Ever heard of alternative break?  These chartered trips allow students to travel in groups to areas needing aid or volunteer work. Volunteer Match lets you search for opportunities in your area like volunteering in your hospitals gift shops or restocking at the local food bank. The GMU Panhellenic community is offering members the chance to travel to South Carolina to build with Habitat for Humanity or to Williamsburg to clean up the York River. Not only do these opportunities look great to potential employers, but they’re fulfilling and you’ll return home knowing you made a great impact in the community.

2. Search for jobs and internships

Start looking for those summer jobs now and save yourself the stress come March or April. Have a trusted friend look over your resume and apply to any positions you want that are open. Make a list and due dates for applications. Check out the university’s employment page for on campus jobs and undergraduate opportunities.

3. Read ahead

If you know you’re taking a notoriously difficult class for your major, get the textbook list early and start skimming the material so you have an idea of what to expect. Reach out to friends in your major to see if anyone has any old notes they’re willing to lend you. If you haven’t registered for classes yet, take advantage of Rate My Professor to find a teacher that matches your learning style.

4. Set your goals

It’s time to break out the glue gun and get crafty! Create a vision board for the upcoming year. Set both long and short term goals. Be sure to make them attainable and use numbers so it can be measured. For example, I’ll schedule at least six hours to study every week. Use apps like aTracker or TimeCard to keep yourself accountable and track your progress.

5. Clean out your closet

Coming home for break means lugging your wardrobe with you. Sit down and go through items that you rarely wear anymore or have seen better days. Sell items in good condition for extra cash. Donate the rest of what you can and head back to school with a lighter suitcase! The tiny dorm room closet will thank you.

Happy holidays collegiettes!

Photo Credit: Vasseur BeautyICONstyle, College Apps, Creativity In Doses

Courtney Boone

George Mason University '18

Courtney is a senior at George Mason University studying forensic psychology and criminology. She serves as Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus George Mason and is also a Her Campus National Chapter Advisor. She graduates in December of 2018 and will be starting her Master's in Criminal Justice this spring at Mason. The motto she lives by: "Put your hair up in a bun, drink some coffee and handle it." 
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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