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5 Guilt-Free Activities for Columbus Day Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

It’s Columbus Day Weekend, the first 3-day weekend after school has kicked into high gear.  There are so many things you can do now that the time is here, so we came up with a list of 5 guilt-free activities you can do this weekend! 

1.     Sleep in

Midterms are exhausting. Actually, being a collegiette is exhausting. Sleep in one morning (or all mornings) of the weekend. Collegiettes need their beauty sleep!

2.     Get your fall clothes ready

It’s getting a little chilly out now. That means you can take out and show off your sweaters, button ups, jackets, scarves, and boots!

3.     Go out at night

It’s a 3-day weekend! You’ve had too many sleepless nights staying up to study. Treat yourself out to a girls’ night or finally ask out that campus cutie you’ve been crushing on!

4.     Travel

Columbus Day Weekend is a great chance for a short getaway. Go to the city, get to the beach before it gets cold, or even take a quick trip home!

5.     Go to the pumpkin patch

It’s not too early to get your Halloween on! Go to a haunted house, run through a corn maze, get some pumpkins and carve them with your roommates, drink some cider, and eat some kettle corn.


Whatever you choose to do, have a great Columbus Day Weekend, collegiettes! 


Photo Creditshttp://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/artic…

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Juliane Veloso

George Mason University

Juliane is a Her Campus alumna. She started her time in HC as a Writer for HC George Mason. Her passion for HC led her to work on the National level as a Campus Expansion Assistant, Campus Correspondent, Chapter Advisor, and Viral Content Writer. Juliane is now a Digital Strategist for a Fortune 500 company. Follow her on Instagram: @julianemariev
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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