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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Taren Henry is caught sporting a very nice vintage blazer.  She is a senior pursing a degree in Communication with a public relations concentration.


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Christen Roberts

George Mason University

Christen is a communication major, concentrating in public relations and double minoring in events management and journalism at George Mason University. She serves as Co-Vice President of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and as an executive board director of the Patriot Activities Council in the Office of Student Involvement. She is also a member of the GMU PINK street team. When she is not working an event on-campus or at the gym, she likes to shop and catch up on the latest trends in the fashion magazines. She is currently obsessed with organic food and Whole Foods. You can catch her on Twitter @C0SM0_girl.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

Want to get involved, or have a story idea we should write about? Email us! hc.georgemason@hercampus.com