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Staying Balanced: Keri LeBeau

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Franklin chapter.

Franklin College junior Keri LeBeau would use one word to describe her life: busy.
LeBeau is an elementary education major, president of College Mentors for Kids and now president of Zeta Tau Alpha.

Though LeBeau already seemed to be in over drive, she said she jumped at the opportunity to become president.
Keri’s mother is a Franklin College alum and she said that weighed in on her decision to come to Franklin.
“My mom came here exactly 20 years before me and I came to campus and fell in love with it,” LeBeau said.
Twenty years earlier, LeBeau’s mother found herself in the exact same spot as LeBeau – a freshman at Franklin College looking for a way to get more involved and make the most of her college experience.

LeBeau decided to join a sorority. Although influenced by her mother, who was a member of Pi Beta Phi at Franklin, Keri said she found herself naturally drawn to the members of ZTA and felt comfortable around them during recruitment week.
“My big Sam was also a big reason I chose Zeta. It was really exciting,” LeBeau said.  
Last year LeBeau attended a national conference with ZTAs from across the country. She attended in the spot of the previous president. “Last year I went as a sub on accident but this year I will be going as the actual president so I’m very excited about that,” LeBeau said.
Keri said she credits her sorority sisters and other groups for helping her keep her life balanced. Having a very organized calendar and holding members of her group accountable are ways LeBeau survives the demands of holding two presidency positions and being a Franklin College Ambassador.
“I’m always busy, I feel like I always have something to do,” LeBeau said. “Whether it’s a lunch date, class or work, I always have something to do.”
LeBeau said she has adopted the Zeta creed as her life motto: “To find satisfaction in being, rather than seeming.”
She said she hopes her members remember at least one detail from the creed throughout her presidency.
 “In life people don’t always believe what you say but they believe what you do. People should stick to their word and do what they say because that’s how you build trust.”
“Being a ZTA always means having people to support you, but at the same time being apart of something bigger than yourself,” LeBeau said.

Kati Graber is a junior at Franklin College and is pursuing a Journalism/Public Realations major with a minor in sociology. She is very excited to be one of the two co-founders of Her Campus Franklin College! Kati is a member of the Indiana Alpha chapter of Pi Beta Phi and is also part of the school's student entertainment board. When she manages to find free time she often spends it hanging out with her sisters, shopping or reading a good book.