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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Framingham chapter.

Swiping into the dining hall, I have high hopes for something new, delicious, and nutritious. But all too often to my dismay, I am disappointed by the options. Either the options do not fit my dietary needs, or are unhealthy, or is just the same as every other day I swipe in. If you are on the same boat as me, read below to discover a few easy cafeteria hacks to help you get through lunch or dinner without eating the same thing over and over again. 1. Loaded Baked Potato a. Baked and sweet potatoes are a staple at the vegan station, but with no variation it can get quite boring. Jazz it up a bit by mashing in butter and topping it off with rice, beans a little lime based salsa and sour cream. A delicious meal in itself and a healthier option than a burger and fries. 2. Cheesy Fries a. On occasion, the dining hall offers queso to top off tortilla chips to make delicious nachos, but why stop there. Load up french fries, baked potatoes, or even quesadillas! 3. Sandwich with a Bagel a. So you go to the sandwich station and you have to chose between white or wheat? WRONG! Check out the breakfast nook first and grab a bagel (plain, everything, sesame etc.) or even an english muffin. Hand the bread to the attendant and load up on your favorite fixings! 4. Pasta Salad A great side to a sandwich or a delicious topping to your salad. It extremely customizable, so the possibilities are endless! a. Steps: i. A bowl of cold (or warm if you prefer) from the pasta bar ii. Add veggies from the salad bar. Good combinations include: 1. Cucumber, chopped onion, cherry tomatoes, and black olives 2. Cherry tomatoes, olives, spinach, and feta 3. Bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, and olives ***HELPFUL HINT: Dice/chop the veggies into smaller bite size bits*** iii. Add your favorite dressing, usually best with a light dressing, such as Italian, or Balsamic Vinaigrette 5. Steamed Veggies made in the microwave a. Maybe this is just a problem I have, since I consider myself a veggie freak, but I hate when there are only starchy or heavily oiled veggies available at the vegan bar or the main section. If this ever happens, just head over to the salad bar and load a bowl up with broccoli, shredded carrots, bell peppers– whatever you’re in the mood for! Drop about a tablespoon or 2 of water into the bowl, cover with a plate, microwave for 6 minutes and voila! Healthy steamed vegetables.

President and Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Framingham, Senior at Framingham State University, Finance Major. Avid animal lover, aspiring fashionista, and amateur traveler.