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Top 3 ABC Family Halloween Movies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

With October 31st falling on a Monday this year, you may be too burnt out from weekend festivities, or you may not have the urge to celebrate in the traditional way. If either of those are the case, here are the best Halloween movies courtesy of Freeform (aka ABC Family’s 13 Nights Halloween movie marathon) to get you in the holiday spirit.


1. Hocus Pocus This film is as classic as a Disney Halloween gets. Hocus Pocus has it all: Bette Midler and a young Sarah Jessica Parker, killer witch outfits, and arguably the best Halloween song in existence.  This movie honestly has a pretty deep plot line and some sly, inappropriate jokes you definitely did not pick up on when you were 10. Re-watching is sure to be the nostalgic activity you need to really bring on the Halloween vibes.


2. The Addams Family If just reading the name doesn’t get the theme song stuck in your head, I don’t know what will.  The Addams Family has provided the world with iconic outfits and lines ever since its start as a cartoon strip in 1938. It went on to become the satirical and spooky version of the ideal American family it notoriously is to this day, making it the most iconic Halloween movie of our time. 

3. Halloweentown


If you want to spend the whole day getting really invested in a series, Halloweentown is the only choice.  You can watch nearly 6 hours of Marnie Piper’s progress through witch-hood, while dealing with mortals and a love life.  This is Disney cinematic gold, and I can think of no better way to spend a Monday.


I hope you’re ready to turn off the lights, eat a family sized bag of Halloween candy, and celebrate Halloween the way you really wanted all along!  Tip: The Adams Family and Hocus Pocus are both streaming on Freeform on the 31st, so minimal channel changing is required.



All gifs courtesy of giphy.com. 


Her Campus at Emory University