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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Full Name: Matty Simon

Major: Environmental Sciences

Hometown: New York City

Extracurricular Activities: Residence Life, Undergraduate Admission Fellow, Greek Life, SAPA, QEP Advisory Board, University Senate, Sorority and Fraternity Pride Alliance

Relationship Status: Single

Greek Affiliation: Zeta Beta Tau 


HCE: Describe yourself in 5 words.

Matty: Sassy, Confident, Determined, Responsible, Bubbly


HCE: What are some of your hobbies? 

Matty: Meeting new people, people watching at Starbucks, taking personality quizzes, dancing the night away.


HCE: What is your favorite kind of music to listen to?

Matty: Top 40, especially anything on z100. Give me a Nicki Minaj song and I’m golden.


HCE: If you could have dinner with any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be? 

Matty: Zac Efron, hands down. Ever since High School Musical back in 2006, I developed an intense obsession and my dream is to be in the same room as him at least once in my life.


HCE: What does your ideal weekend look like?

Matty: My ideal weekend includes sleeping in until 12pm, then heading to brunch with my best friends. After brunch, we’ll listen to music by the pool and catch-up on some reading. The day would end by getting some cardio in through dancing all night!


HCE: What is your hidden talent?

Matty: I can say the alphabet backwards.


HCE: What is one thing you’ve always wanted to learn/get better at? 

Matty: I’ve always wanted to learn how to whistle. My entire family can and it’s embarrassing that I can’t.


HCE: What is the best compliment someone can ever give you? 

Matty: The best compliment that someone can give me is that I am a good friend. Friendship means the world to me, sometimes more than family.


HCE: What has been your biggest accomplishment since being at Emory? 

Matty: My biggest accomplishment since being at Emory has been getting the Senior Resident Advisor position in the Office of Residence Life. I would not be the same person I am today if it wasn’t for ResLife and now being an SRA, I’m able to share my love for Emory to an entire building and first-year class.


HCE: Who inspires you?

Matty: My mom, Joy Robin Simon.

Her Campus at Emory University