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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Full Name: Matthew Shevrin

Major: Political Science

Hometown: Port Washington, NY

Extracurricular Activities: Club Volleyball, Barnes & Noble Employee, Relay for Life

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Greek Affiliation: Chi Phi


Her Campus Emory (HCE): What has been your greatest moment at Emory?

Matthew: Going to the aquarium with a bunch of friends for the first time. That was one hell of an experience.


HCE: What has been your greatest struggle at Emory?

Matthew: Coping with the massive amounts of papers I have to write.


HCE: What do you see yourself ideally doing after you graduate?

Matthew: Law school, then hopefully finding a job in NYC.


HCE: What is your most embarrassing moment?

Matthew: I’m never embarrassed.


HCE: What is your guilty pleasure?

Matthew: Kygo.


HCE: What is the best pick up line you’ve ever heard?

Matthew: “Don’t tell me if you want to get out of here with me. Just smile for yes, do a back flip for no.”


HCE: Describe your ideal weekend. 

Matthew: Camping at TomorrowWorld with my friends for three days. Hopefully Kygo is headlining one day.


HCE: Who inspires you?

Matthew: My older brother. He has always inspired me to do my best, no matter what the challenge is.


HCE: What is the number one thing on your bucket list?

Matthew: Hug a panda.


HCE: If you could ask your future self any question, what would it be?

Matthew: Did you hug that panda yet?

Her Campus at Emory University