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5 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for Budgeting Beauties

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

You might be wondering, “Why do I need to be planning for Valentine’s Day? That’s not my job, that’s his job!” And to that I’d say, “Girl,  it is time to take matters into your own hands! For all you know, he doesn’t even realize that Valentine’s day is next week!” So, if you’re starting to think, “Oh no, oh God no, what do I do now?!” Boy, do I have the article for you! Here are 5 painless date ideas that don’t take a month to plan, and more importantly, won’t break the bank!

1. Early morning breakfast date in your pj’s

I know getting out of bed is never a good time, but not having to put real clothes on can make doing so a little bit better! Whenever I’m looking for a quick date idea, I automatically think breakfast because it’s cheap, fast, and still a good time no matter what! I personally recommend Panera for some delicious cinnamon crunch bagels, because we don’t feel as bad for coming in looking like a mess, and we always have a great time! 

2. A festive walk in the city

Yes, it’s February, and yes, it’s -12 out, but getting outside for some fresh air is always needed. (And guess what, it’s free!) Take a walk around your favorite area, and even if you’re freezing your pants off, it just gives your SO the excuse to hold you closer. So bundle up, and take a trip! If you’re in Boston, I recommend exploring around the Commons; if you’re somewhere else, then take a walk through the woods or around your neighborhood. It’s the little things that create the best memories!

3. A warm and snuggly reading day!

If going outside isn’t your thing, then February is the perfect month to spend indoors with your favorite book! If you and your SO are both big readers, take the day to snuggle up with each other and get your read on! Who are we to judge if you’re rereading the entire Harry Potter series in a day; I’m sure your SO will find it endearing. Get your comfy clothes on, light some candles, and whip out your favorite novels! There’s nothing like spending quality time together doing what you love.

4. A spontaneous trip to the pet shelter

Now, hear me out on this one. Yes, it sounds strange: who is going to waste gas money on a trip to the pet store where you’ll just be tempted to spend more money on something for your hamster? Trust me, he doesn’t need it. Whatever it is, he does NOT need it. But, there are some animals there who could use some serious loving. So why not share your love with them? Besides, who doesn’t like to see their SO melt over a cute little kitten? Create memories in the simplest ways; that’s the whole point of this day, right?

5. Stay in for a classic movie night!

“Why spend our Valentine’s Day doing something we can do anytime?” I hear you, I really do, but trust me on this. Line up three or four classics that you might not be too familiar with, and go ham! I’m talking Casablanca, Roman Holiday, Some Like it Hot, anything with Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe. Trust me when I tell you, 50 Shades Darker has nothing on these romantic classics! So throw on your favorite sweatpants from Pink, grab your snuggliest blanket, and sit in for a laidback night of cinematic legends! Who knows, it might be nice to experience a little something new.

Well, there you have it ladies and gentleman, take your pick! Valentine’s Day isn’t about spending $200 on a bunch of red roses that are going to die, an outfit that you’re only going to wear once, and a dinner that’ll last you maybe an hour. We’re young, we’re beautiful, and we need a little more time to get to know each other. So spend your Valentine’s Day making memories, instead of breaking your bank. Stay classy folks!

Makenzie is a current Senior at Emmanuel College studying Communications + Media Cultural Studies and Performing Arts. (Try saying that three times fast...) She's been a part of her school's Her Campus chapter since it's very first semester, and has been chapter advising for 2 years. Makenzie is also a National Writer for HC's beauty section, Campus Trendsetter, and former HC Community Development Intern. Makenzie is incredibly excited to be finishing up her last semester as Co-Campus Correspondent of HC Emmanuel. Interested in joining yourself? Hit her up anytime! 
Sammy is a senior at Emmanuel College, majoring in English: Communications & Media Studies with a minor in Music-Theater. She discovered Her Campus through College Fashion Week: Boston, and has since re-launched Emmanuel's chapter and become a National Intern. On campus, Sammy gives weekly tours as an Admissions Ambassador, is a member of the Honors Program and stars in an as many theatrical productions as possible. She was also an Orientation Leader for the Class of 2019. Outside of school, she works as a sales associate at Charlotte Russe and manages a personal style blog called Backyard Beauty. An obsessive organizer, social media addict and fashion maven, Sammy dreams of living a lavish life as a magazine contributor in New York City after graduation. Follow her on Twitter @sammysays19 and Instagram @backyardbeautyxo or visit backyardbeautyxo.tumblr.com/.