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A Trending Stress Reliever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

With the upcoming Spring semester, there is no doubt that students will become overwhelmed with managing classes, extracurriculars and their social lives. Over Christmas break, I was introduced to the latest trend: Adult Coloring Books. My mom said they are “up and coming” and that her entire group of friends is indulging in the activity. So, I decided to become a Connecticut housewife and buy a coloring book (with colored pencils) for myself.


Since the early 1900s, doctors have ensured that coloring is a calming mechanism to relieve stress. Psychologists have prescribed their patients to coloring to lessen their anxiety. These books can involve complicated geometric patterns which force the brain to focus on patterns and color coordination. Adults buy these books to strengthen their brain and prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s.


When I returned back to Elon, I was shocked to see most of my friends also had these adult coloring books. In my down time, or when I find myself longing to color geometric shapes, I gravitate toward my second desk drawer and find my book. One day, I hope my coloring book skills will turn me into a gifted artist who will end up in Arts West sitting on a stool with a paintbrush.


Unfortunately,  I color like this:



And not like:

But if I ever sharpen my colored pencils, I believe I could achieve Picasso level artistry.

Connecticut. North Carolina. 3 siblings, 1 dog.