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21 Things More On My Mind Than Alcohol On My 21st Birthday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ECU chapter.

21. The age that almost everyone seems to deem as the most life changing age. It’s the age where you can finally buy alcohol and drink to your heart’s content. Many college girls go out with their friends on their 21st birthday to drink the night away while doing things such as taking photos with 21 strangers and dancing on top of the bar. While I am not one to judge how others would like to celebrate their birthday, this way of celebrating just isn’t for me. This doesn’t mean I refuse to have a drink on my birthday, but my plans are to go out for a relaxing evening to a restaurant with my boyfriend and sister and have a simple drink at midnight. Sounds like a wild time right?

Alcohol has never been something I’ve been drawn to. For me personally, I just don’t see the point. There are drinks out there for almost every time of the day and for every occasion. I would much rather drink something at all times of the day that won’t affect my judgment or my health. My personal opinion also is that I don’t see why it’s considered such a big thing that in order to have fun, drinks must be involved. I can have a blast and a beyond memorable time with a glass of water as long as I’m surrounded by people that I love.

So for me, I have a list of things that are on my mind on my birthday this year that surprisingly don’t involve the consumption of alcohol.

  1. The idea that when I was in high school I thought everyone in their 20’s was a fully grown adult
  2. The fact that I am in my 20’s and don’t know how to adult
  3. Trying to figure out when I’ll figure out how to adult…
  4. …if I’ll figure out how to adult
  5. The thought that I’m graduating in less than 2 years
  6. What I’m going to do with my life after I graduate in less than 2 years
  7. If I can show up to work in sweats and a messy bun like I do for class
  8. Thinking I probably can’t
  9. How I’m going to get through my hell of a semester
  10. How I’m going to get through the hell I’m sure my next semester will be
  11. …and the one after that
  12. How I’m going to keep feeding my large appetite on my budget for the rest of my time in college
  13. How I’m going to keep feeding my large appetite on a budget after college
  14. The fact that I’ve lived on Earth for 21 years and haven’t done anything noteworthy
  15. When I’m going to make going to the gym a routine
  16. Wondering if I’ll ever stop talking myself out of making going to the gym a routine
  17. Wondering if I’ll ever stop lying to myself about how walking to class is good enough so I don’t have to make going to the gym a routine
  18. If life is just going to continually get more stressful since I’m an “adult”
  19. When I’ll be able to afford a pet of my own
  20. If my 22nd birthday will come as fast as my 21st did
  21. If time will stop going by so fast  
Writing. Living. Loving. Laughing. Eating.