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Show Some DePauw Lovin’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.


Every Monday at four o’clock I visit with my “Senior Friend,” Miss Peggy. And every Monday following my knock on her door, Miss Peggy tells me what a  “pleasant surprise” it is to see me in Asbury Towers. But, I don’t hold short-term memory loss against a woman who has met nearly a century’s worth of people—and undoubtedly made friends with all of them. On the Monday following Thanksgiving, we chatted about turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie—oh, and gratitude.

She said to me, “It’s silly, you know? I don’t think we should need a certain day to celebrate.” You see, Miss Peggy is never shy to share her opinions with me—whether they are about the blue carpet, the resident sitting a few feet away from us, or my choice of outfit. And, although we don’t always see eye to eye when it comes to fashion, especially since we both have terrible vision, I had to agree with her comment about Thanksgiving. We should appreciate our blessings all year long—and not just when the fourth Thursday of November rolls around.

I’m grateful for countless people, things, and situations on this small but beloved campus. The following list contains only a few of them. I challenge you to think of your own.

  1. The beautiful trees—especially when the leaves change in the fall
  2. Quesadillas in the hub
  3. Bumping into friends from my floor freshman year
  4. Hearing fraternities blast music on the weekends
  5. Events like Monon and Little 5 when everyone comes together to support our peers
  6. Whenever I talk to prospective students with their families and I can tell them everything I love about DePauw
  7. Running in the Nature Park
  8. President Casey’s tweets
  9. Finding a fellow procrastinator who stays up late
  10. Professors who not only invest in your success, but genuinely care about your wellbeing

So ladies, what are your favorite things about DePauw? Write them down and remember to feel thankful—especially in this sleepless, over-caffeinated homestretch to winter break.

I’ll leave you with one last challenge, beginning with a quote from Donald Miller: “Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself. It is as if they are showing you the way.” Who showed you the way to love and appreciate DePauw? Express your gratitude toward that person. Better yet, show someone else the way. Spread the love.