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Why I Changed My Major From Marketing to Journalism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

A lot of the time when we go into our major we have this idea of what we are going to do and who we were going to be. To say that you are a student in the College of business is not only common but it tells people a lot about you. Business is always the ‘smart’ way to go, at least that is what everyone in my family told me. When you tell people you’re planning on going into Marketing, people see you as competent, competitive and creative. Which you probably are but it doesn’t mean that’s all you are.

There are a lot requirements when it comes to business at CWU; economics, accounting, and other math based classes that will make your head spin if math is not particularly your forte. Now, I am in no way discouraging or putting down business! I think there is a difference between business minded and business savvy. I tried to excel in my business classes, I was never more than a C average student and in some cases, even less than that. I found that each class made me feel inadequate and incapable and above all, uninspired.

My mom always told me I was an ‘amazing’ writer, but it’s my mom, she’s supposed to say that. It wasn’t until I applied to start a  Her Campus Chapter at CWU that I realized my mom wasn’t just making me feel good about my english papers. Writing and fashion have always been two things I’ve loved and could never get enough of!

I want to pursue something that allows me to write about the things I loved and something I could do for a long time. The beauty about writing is that there is always something to write about and if you’re good at it, any industry demands a writer.

Digital Journalism is definitely a more modern discipline of writing and reporting. The second I learned about the major I was obsessed. Finally! Something I could enjoy doing. So I took initiative, weighed the pros and the cons and went for it. For a hot little minute I didn’t know if I was making the right choice. There is a lot of opportunity in Marketing and any knowledge in business administration can get your foot in the door anywhere you go. I went for it and for the first time in awhile, I didn’t feel completely secure in my decision. Since I started my communications classes, I feel like a fish in water.

Learning in a discipline that makes you more confident in yourself and influences growth is NEVER a bad idea. If you feel stuck in your major it’s never too late to change it. College is all about trial and error. So make your mistakes now, find out what you’re good and what you love and figure out who’s going to pay you for it once you get your degree!

President at Her Campus CWU Senior, Public Relations Major at Central Washington University!