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12 Reasons Why Love Actually Is Actually The Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

In honor of Love Actually’s tenth anniversary, let’s celebrate why we love it so much with these 12 indisputable truths.

1) Dat cast though. And, of course, the little epiphanies you have when you realize how their characters are interrelated.


2) Everyone has a favorite story…and second favorite…and third favorite. My favorite is Jamie and Aurelia.


3) Mr. Bean’s appearance

4) Emma Thompson’s strength and bravery when dealing with her no good, horrible husband, Severus Snape, who needs to get better at buying Christmas gifts.

5) The revamped “Love is All Around Us,” a Christmas song for the ages.

6) This swoon-worthy, semi-comprehendable proposal in Portugal on Christmas Eve, which also features wonderfully sassy sister (perhaps the Portuguese Rebel Wilson).

7) Its generous portrayal of American women, from Joanna to the Wisconsin harem who can’t afford heating.

8) He gets it. Sometimes, love actually is total agony.

9) Hugh Grant dancing

10) A cheeky British sense of humor

11) It’s chock full of simple wisdoms and one-liners.

12) And finally, the line everyone wants to hear from his or her significant other originated in this movie.

BONUS: Why Love Actually is Sometimes the Worst

1) Sarah picks up the phone every time. Come on, you’re with RODRIGO SANTORO! Then again, this does make her a wonderful sister/martyr. Not every love story can be a happy one, I guess. RIP Sarah and Karl.

Well, there you have it. Just a few reasons why Love Actually is the definitive best movie of the holiday season/whole year. Now, go celebrate Love Actually’s tenth anniversary and revist your favorite love stories.

P.S. It’s on Netflix instant! Sorry if I just sabotaged tonight’s homework plans…

Elena is a sophomore at Columbia University majoring in English. In her free time, she writes for Her Campus and news for Spectator. She loves New York and her friends.