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How to… Adjust to College Life as a Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

 We’ve all had those moments when we realize that real life isn’t turning out like the perfect daydreams we had envisioned. After all the hype and excitement over your first year of college, ever find yourself overwhelmed that things weren’t just like you’d planned? Adjusting to big changes can sometimes be confusing and stressful, so I brainstormed a couple of tips to help keep you on track and make the most of your college years!

  1. Find your stress reliever! This can be anything that makes you happy and takes your mind off the day’s agenda. I prefer running past the gorgeous countryside, and going to yoga and fitness classes whenever I can! Listen to music, dance around the room, or give yourself time each day to do something relaxing that you love.
  2. Don’t let roommate drama wear you out. Part of college life is learning to live with people who are different from you – so keep an open mind! Strike up a conversation with your roommate and learn something new about them instead of starting a conflict.
  3. Missing friends from home? Thankfully technology lets us keep in touch with friends who are far away, but keeping too many ties to life at home will limit your experiences in college. Try asking all your friends for their addresses and writing them letters – for ever letter you write you will (hopefully) get one in return…so that mailbox will finally fill up!
  4. Create your home away from home. Make sure your dorm room is a place that you enjoy spending time in and makes you feel relaxed. Your area will impact your mood-so get into decorating and add colors and lights to your room! Also, pictures and posters are a great way to personalize your space and bring the room to life.
  5. Don’t get worked up on a bad grade or too much homework. Keep your eyes on the prize and stay on top of your work, and if you start to doubt your success prove yourself wrong! Ask a teacher or friend for help and don’t be afraid to make a mistake.
  6. Try everything! College should be void of hesitations, so let your guard down and try something knew. You might even find a new passion or make a new friend in the process…or at least have a good story to tell!
  7. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and to branch out. Make friends with upper-classmen so you can get the D.L. on the school’s do’s and don’ts. By opening up to those outside your grade you will get to know more people and recognize more faces around campus.
  8. Take care of yourself by maintaining good sleeping habits and a balanced diet! (I know you’re probably tired of hearing this from your mom, but seriously…) Living in close quarters makes us more likely to get sick, so while it might be temping to stay up late watching all the shows you missed on hulu, grant yourself an extra hour of sleep – your body and mind will thank you! Also, keeping a balanced diet will give you energy to stay positive throughout the day. Stock your fridge with fresh fruit for a mid-day snack, and load your plate with lots of different colors.

Hopefully these ideas will help you stay smiling and ready to embrace college life! Remember to make the most of each day and try looking at things from a new perspective!


Brett is a senior at Colby College. She is an international studies and anthropology double major, and spent her first semester of college in Dijon, France.  She enjoys writing, traveling, Gossip Girl, and Thai food. Already having interned at fashion designers and magazines, she is excited to contribute to Her Campus! She is also a certified personal trainer and loves working out.