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A Love Letter To Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Dear Love,

As Valentine’s Day approaches, I reminisce about all the times we’ve had together. That time I was given my favorite stuffed animal and smiled the biggest smile because it was mine. When I came home from school crying about a friend not being nice, and my mom would hold me tight and tell me it was going to be okay. When I stood in the spotlight on that theater stage and let the light seep into my skin, giving me energy. When my best friend and I would run to each other and hug every time we would see each other. When I tried nutella for the first time (don’t even get me started). When I traveled the streets of Paris and Florence and swooned at every shop window and monument. When I met a boy with green eyes and glasses. When we kissed and I knew that pure magic existed. When I snuggle up in bed in my favorite pajamas and listen to music or maybe even the rain. When my dad gives me advice. When I dance like nobody’s watching. When I simply enjoy my life. All these moments, big or small, I love them. Love, you have given me everything I could ask for. And I love you for it. So let’s keep on loving.