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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

This year’s beauty talk is all about “the great cleanse.” Everyone should start the new year with fresh, beautiful-looking skin, and we we all know that this brisk Chapel Hill air can do some serious damage. It’s never too late to begin taking care of your skin and now, it is more crucial than ever.


Incorporating a skin care routine should be effortless and take little to no time at all. I’m going to share with you a couple of steps that I follow to keep my skin hydrated and refreshed.

1. Cleanse!

This step is meant to remove any surface makeup or dirt that may have accumulated on your face. There are so many different types of cleansers out there for all different skin types. Some cleansers are oil-based, like the Tatcha Cleansing Oil, or some even foam up! This should always be the first step to any good skin care routine. A cleanser that I recommend, that I know is great for all skin types, is the Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. This cleanser retails for about $7-$10.

2. Exfoliate away!

This step should be done at least once a week. Especially in the winter, dead skin cells accumulate and should be buffed away with a gentle exfoliator. Most exfoliators comes in with micro beads so you can feel the product doing its work. This makes all the flakes you may have on your face disappear and it leaves you with the softest skin. My favorite exfoliator is from Soap and Glory: The Greatest Scrub of All Time. This retails for around $20 at Sephora, but it will last you forever since you don’t need to use it everyday.

3. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

This is the finishing touch. After moisturizing is when you’ll definitely begin to notice of a difference in the texture of your skin. A moisturizer not only will prevent your face from getting dry again, it’ll keep it hydrated all day. Certain moisturizers even give you a radiant look like my favorite one from Origins. This Origins GinZing moisturizer is packed with ginseng and coffee beans to hydrate the skin and make the skin look radiant. It retails for around $26.50, but again is definitely worth it.

The best part is that your skin care products don’t even have to be expensive. You can easily stop by the CVS on Franklin St. and pick up a couple of skin care products for a cheaper price. However,  always make sure you do your research before you buying a product. And remember, every product will not work the same for everyone.

Much love, HCXO!

I am a beauty addict who loves all things makeup and fashion.