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How to Handle the Awkward Ex Encounter Like a Pro

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

It’s common knowledge that running into your ex for the first time has the potential to turn into an awkward or explosive encounter. Consider this your quick guide of things NOT to do when that encounter happens:

1. Don’t hide

Avoiding someone can seem like the best option because it’s the easy way out. However, its not worth your time or energy to go out of your way just because they’re in the same vicinity as you!

2. Don’t fall into old habits

It’s easy, especially when a breakup is still fresh, to fall into old habits. Whether that means hooking up with them or letting your conversation get too personal, many times getting too comfortable too quick can set yourself up to be hurt. The breakup happened for a reason and in the moment, it can be hard to remember that.

3. Don’t talk about the “remember whens”

Similar to the last tip, having a conversation about the good times is like putting on rose-colored glasses. You two broke up for a reason and reminiscing about when things were “better” can often be a step in the wrong direction.

4. Don’t drunkenly curse them out

This is where having good friends to have your back can often come in handy. The last thing that you want to do is air your dirty laundry like this. It may feel good in the moment but most likely you’ll regret it the next morning.

5. Don’t get insecure

Breakups are painful and seeing someone after a fresh breakup can often bring some insecurity with it. It’s important to remember that the other person does not define you and that your worth isn’t in them. You are a strong woman, remember that!

6. Don’t pretend you didn’t see them when eye contact is made

This just makes the situation more awkward for the two of you. Instead, acknowledge them and wave. This doesn’t mean that you have to have a conversation with them! It’s a way for you to take control of the situation without committing to any further encounters.

7. Don’t make the conversation longer than it needs to be

Catching up and being casually conversational is a good thing and a mark of closure between the two of you. However, no one wants to drag on a conversation once it hits that point of awkwardness and weirdness. Be polite and friendly, but end it while it’s still going strong.

Running into your ex is more often than not awkward, but don’t let them define you. Instead, be the strong woman that you are!

Biomedical Engineering major at Cal Poly. Runs, reads, writes, and can do a little bit of math too!