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7 Awesome Ways to Spend Your Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

It’s finally here. After all the sweat, tears and failed tests (well, hopefully not but we can dream), you’ve made it to spring break. First of all, congratulations, you did it! But now what are you going to do? Maybe you couldn’t afford that Cabo trip you wanted, or maybe you’re stuck at home filled with boredom. Either way, here are some of the best ways you can enjoy your week off:

Do some spring cleaning for your body and mind

Spring time is the best time for a fresh start. Try out a new beauty routine, have a spa day, or even attempt that one diet you’ve always wanted to try. Maybe try out a yoga class! This is the perfect time to get with a new mindset. Start with getting rid of any negative people or vibes that have been polluting your life and go from there!

Plan some day trips with your besties

There is honestly nothing better than driving with the windows down and blasting music with your closest friends. If you weren’t able to go on your dream vacation, that’s okay! Take a trip to the beach or drive down to Santa Barbara for a day. There are plenty of places around San Luis Obispo to explore, so go out and find a new adventure.

Re-decorate your apartment

Freshen up your apartment with some spring time essentials. Find some DIY decorations to make your room light and happy. Get rid of the dark winter trends and opt for some new colorful pillows and flowers. Maybe even find a new tapestry or finally get that one art piece that will truly tie your room together.

Get your tan on

The clouds are gone and the sun is shining. It’s not so hot that you’ll be profusely sweating and it’s not cold enough to wear pants. The perfect thing to do now is tan. Get your glow on from the sun and get your dose of vitamin D. Of course, remember to wear sunscreen and stay protected! (You still get a tan when wearing sunscreen, I promise!)

Try some new arts and crafts

Who said crafts were for kids? Tie-dye some old shirts or iron on some patches to your favorite jacket. Lazy spring days are the perfect time to get creative! Decorate a phone case, paint a picture, or do some coloring. It doesn’t matter if the end result isn’t perfect (are you really supposed to color inside the lines?), just make sure you’re having fun! Art is the best way to wind down and relax.

Catch up on your beauty sleep

You survived winter quarter and–let’s be real–you’re just straight up exhausted. Let your brain take a rest; finals are hard! Go to bed early, sleep in late, take a nap (or two, or three..) and just let yourself have some lazy days. Who cares if you never change out of your pajamas? Stay on the couch all day and watch your favorite movies and let yourself relax.

Change up your style

There’s no better way to celebrate the new beginnings of spring time than to have a style makeover! Find some inspiration on Pinterest for fresh new ideas and go for it. Maybe even try a trend you thought would be too crazy; now is your time to shine! Honestly, who doesn’t need an excuse to go shopping?

Whatever you decide to do, enjoy your spring break! You earned it.