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Keeping that Summer Bod all Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Springtime always pushes us to tone, tan, and tighten in preparation for summer, but what happens when our bikinis are exiled to the back of the closet for fall and winter?

Bulky sweaters and bad weather make it easy to forget about our summer routines that kept us healthy and happy. But seriously – it happens every year. Why must we dedicate the last few weeks of school to crash-dieting and unhealthy habits when we can just maintain our physique throughout the year? Yes, it’s hard to balance it all once homework and classes are factored in, but keeping up with your summer workout and diet routine is absolutely possible by just keeping a few things in mind.

Plan, plan, plan

Let’s be honest, you’re never going to find yourself sitting around with so many free hours that you just end up going to the gym because you’re bored. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t work like that. Planning is essential to starting something and sticking with it. Whether you’re running for miles every day or doing 20 minutes on an elliptical once a week (It counts, okay?) make sure you know exactly when and where that is happening. Even further, ensure you do it every time.

The same goes for food, believe it or not. When you’re stressed, it’s easy to just eat what is convenient or what you’re craving in the moment. No one is going to snack on a kale salad at 1am while studying for an exam, but with sufficient planning, you can have carrots and hummus ready in the fridge rather than ice cream.

Make it easy

We’re college students, and being our own personal nutritionist is not our full-time job. That being said, if you can find ways to make everything simple for yourself, all of the parts will fall into place. One way to get in a quick workout is having a variety of circuit training exercises you can do in your room. You don’t need weights, just a list of exercises that you can find anywhere on the internet (cough cough Pinterest) and even when you just have 10 minutes, you can get something in.

As far as food goes, it’s tough to stay healthy in a college environment. Yes, there are options, and just like with stock portfolios – it’s best to diversify! Making some meals in your house/dorm/mod/etc. and buying some from the school is typically the best way to save money, eat better, and not drive yourself crazy. One easy idea is to make some sort of meal (whether it be a smoothie, salad, quinoa, whatever) in bulk for the whole week and keep it in your fridge. That way, when you need a quick snack, it’s ready for you.

Talk about it

Studies have shown that people who tell others about their goals tend to achieve them more often than those who do not. Finding a friend to help you out with your quest to stay in shape will make it infinitely easier. Recruit running buddy so neither of you can back out, have cooking dates with your friend group – whatever it takes to get you to stay on track (no pun intended). That’s what friends are for… I think. Most of all, just believe in yourself and keep going!

What's up Collegiettes! I am so excited to be one half of the Campus Correspondent team for Bucknell's chapter of Her Campus along with the lovely Julia Shapiro.  I am currently a senior at Bucknell studying Creative Writing and Sociology.