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How to Recover from Awkward Situations

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

We’ve all experienced at least one embarrassing situation at some point of lives, where it is almost impossible to recover from the awkwardness that results from the circumstances. Especially being a student at Bucknell, our school is so small that it is inevitable that your embarrassing story will spread to others.

Not only have I been through several awkward situations myself, I have also seen many of them occur with my own eyes. Some I can’t help to laugh at, and some…  well you poor thing.

For instance, you’ve probably experienced one of these awkward situations here at Bucknell…

1. To hold the door or to not hold the door?

We don’t want to be that brat who is too cool to hold the door for someone, but, there are times when you wish you never held the door in the first place.


2. Taking a Snapchat in the library and somebody catches you

I got to admit…this has happened to me, multiple times… So make sure you look at your surroundings before taking that awkward selfie.

3. Slipping on the ice

Well…That just sucks…

4. Walking past one of your awkward hookups on campus, or just someone you don’t like….

5. Trying to unlock your mailbox but you don’t know how or forget your code…

Just walk away…


How do you brush off from these situations?

Well just remember that everyone has those awkward moments. Unfortunately some have them more often than others. Don’t take it too personally when people laugh at you…just embrace it. In reality, those people are going to just forget about it anyway, even though you may be just replaying and replaying the scenario in your head. So, keep yourself busy to distract yourself from looking back at it!  It also always helps when you are around your friends; that way, you can just laugh with them about it, which makes it more socially acceptable that you acted like a goof in the first place.  From the wise words of Jay-Z, just go on and brush your shoulders off.