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Embracing the A** Tatt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Imagine you are at a party with all of your friends. It’s one of those perfect nights: you’re dancing to your favorite songs, and suddenly you lock eyes with a beautiful person standing across the room. You feel yourself blush and can’t believe it when they make their way toward you. They strike up a conversation and you instantly click. You hit the jackpot. So, when the person of your dreams asks you to come back to their place, you decide to go for it.

Things start getting hot and heavy, and then you see it. Is it a birthmark? No. Maybe a blemish? No, that’s not it. It couldn’t be an ink stain…wait, it can’t be, but it is. It’s a tattoo; on their backside. And at last, you have been exposed to your first a** tatt.

Does this sound familiar to any of you? If it hasn’t happened yet, get ready. By all accounts, including an article in TattooJournal.com, it is an undeniable fact that a** tatts are growing in popularity. These tattoos are edgy and personal, which make them an ideal form of expression for young people today. It is important that we explore the a** tatt, and embrace the trend that many predict will soon become commonplace.


What to do when you see the A** Tatt…

Don’t panic. When you see the tatted cheeks for the first time, the worst thing you can do is freeze. You have two choices: don’t mention the tatt, or point it out.

1.) The safest option is to pretend you don’t notice the tattoo. First off, taking a pause and asking about the intimate tattoo could kill the mood. Secondly, if you are not completely comfortable with the person, pointing out things located on their body might make them uncomfortable. When in doubt, play it safe.

2.) The other route to take is to inquire about the tattoo. With the right execution, this can be a great way to get to know your tatted companion. Perhaps start with, “I noticed your tattoo, what was your inspiration?” Go with something that shows genuine interest in the tattoo. Odds are there is a story behind that a** tatt.


So, you want to get an A** Tatt…

Let’s say you decide that you are the spontaneous individual who is ready to take the plunge and get inked up. Kudos to you, my brave friend. But what is the appropriate tattoo for your butt?

A small, more discrete tatt might be subtle and go unnoticed, and remain under the radar unless pointed out. Someone with spunk may choose to get a larger tattoo that begs to be seen. From my own independent research, I have heard of tatts ranging from the silhouettes of states, to four-leafed clovers. The important thing is that the a** tatt is meaningful to you, and tells a story. The butt is a sacred place, and an intimate area deserves to be marked with an equally intimate symbol.

Let’s hear it for the A** Tatt

The A** Tatt is a growing trend. Whether or not you hop on the bandwagon, I think we should take a moment and appreciate those who dare to commit to the a** tatt. There is something to be said for the free spirit that throws caution to the wind and drops their pants for a tattoo. The a** tatt is a celebration of what it means to be young and carefree. Cheers to everyone out there with an a** tatt, but also to anyone who has bungee jumped or skydived or done something just for the fun of it. We’re only young once; why not get an a** tatt? 

What's up Collegiettes! I am so excited to be one half of the Campus Correspondent team for Bucknell's chapter of Her Campus along with the lovely Julia Shapiro.  I am currently a senior at Bucknell studying Creative Writing and Sociology.