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Dear Abby: Bankrupt in Bed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.
Dear Abby,
I’ve been dating the same guy for almost two years now, and I’ve been on birth control for just as long. As you probably know, it’s really expensive…do you think it’s ok for me to ask him to pay for half? If so, how?
Bankrupt in Bed

Dear Bankrupt in Bed,
If you’ve been dating for two years (and are having sex), you probably shouldn’t feel awkward talking about sex with your boyfriend. Birth control, and your sexual health in general, is a topic which should never be off-limits in any situation when you are going to be intimate with another person, let alone a long-term spouse. If you haven’t discussed that subject with him yet then you absolutely need to do that immediately. You need to be on the same page as your partner, because in avoiding the subject you might be comprising your sexual health, and his. You need to know where the both of you stand because you never know what might happen, and believe me, that’s not a conversation you want to have after the fact. If you have had all the talks before, then great, because the hard part’s over with. The next time you’re hanging out, offer to buy the next set of condoms. Let that be your lead in, and then ask if he’d be willing to help you out as well. Maybe you could switch off months, or split all of the costs evenly all the time.
Good luck! 