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The Benefits of Staying Hydrated

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

College students are notorious for overindulging in unhealthy habits, such as consuming obscene amounts of alcohol or shamefully ordering late-night Domino’s on a Monday (don’t make that face, we’ve all been there before). In an effort to combat our self-destructive habits, the adults in our lives are frequently reminding us to eat healthier, adopt better sleeping habits, and focus more on our studies.

However, there is one basic, yet essential component to leading a healthy lifestyle that people tend to forget far too often: drinking water. Not only is water necessary for our survival, but drinking the appropriate amount of water each and every day can have a multitude of beneficial effects on our bodies. If you need more convincing, let the following five reasons do the trick.


1.     Drinking water energizes your muscles.

Cells wither and shrivel when they become dehydrated, leading to fatigue and muscle atrophy. A balance of fluids and electrolytes are necessary for cells to function in a healthy manner, especially if you’re planning on exercising. The American College of Sports Medicine advises the consumption of 17 ounces of water at least two hours prior to exercising in order to ensure that the cells are in proper working order. Of course, water should also be consumed during and after any physical activity to replace the fluids that are lost through sweating.

2.     Drinking water helps your organs and other body fluids perform their proper functions.

Human beings are composed of sixty to seventy percent water, making it an essential component of maintaining healthy bodily functions. Water aids in circulation, digestion, nutrient transportation, and flushing waste products out of the body, to name a few. Your body is only able to dissolve fats and fibers if it is properly hydrated, so the miracle liquid is a necessity for your inner workings to flow smoothly.

3.     Water has been proven to aid weight loss and control calorie consumption.

Drinking a glass of water before a meal is an easy way to help you feel fuller. People often mistake the feeling of thirst for the feeling of hunger. Similarly, foods that have high water contents are often healthier and bigger in volume, leaving you feeling energized and more satisfied. Swapping high-calorie sugar-laden drinks for some crisp, refreshing water is always a healthier option. Water also helps to boost your metabolism and perks the body up when you’re feeling sluggish.

4.     Water keeps your skin looking and feeling flawless.

Dehydration causes skin to look dull, dry, and dehydrated. Your skin contains a high percentage of water and requires the maintenance of that percentage in order to remain looking beautiful. Water has also been proven to assist in clearing up acne and other blemishes by cleansing the pores.

5.     Water may help protect you from certain kinds of cancer.

Recent studies have linked fluid intake to the prevention of bladder cancer, with water exhibiting better results than the consumption of other liquids. One theory is that more frequent urination flushes out the bladder and prevents the accumulation of carcinogens and other harmful toxins. Scientists are also currently researching the regular consumption of water as a preventative measure against colon and breast cancer.


There you have it: water keeps us happy, healthy, beautiful, and cancer-free. Feel free to start calling it the elixir of life. So the next time you venture into the caf or the Bison, swap that bottle of soda for a glass of ice water. Invest in a cute reusable water bottle and you’ll be on your way to feeling healthier and more invigorated in no time.



Political Science/Literary Studies double major at Bucknell University. Writer for Her Campus and The Bucknellian. My hero is the girl from Hotline Bling who is having an absolutely fantastic time now that Drake's left the city.
What's up Collegiettes! I am so excited to be one half of the Campus Correspondent team for Bucknell's chapter of Her Campus along with the lovely Julia Shapiro.  I am currently a senior at Bucknell studying Creative Writing and Sociology.