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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brenau chapter.

I had been nervous all day.

When the polls closed on Tuesday, one by one, I grew even more nervous. I won’t back down or hide who I support- I am a Democrat through and through. While I am not Hillary Clinton’s biggest supporter, I would rather have her than Trump.

Clinton started off behind Trump, trailing him from 24-3. I knew she would be able to pull through; it was just an early lead. She pulled ahead of Trump and for a while, it looked like she might be able to win. Trump won Texas. Trump then won Florida. Then Georgia. It soon became clear this would be a fight to the very end. I grew anxious. I knew that Clinton might not be able to pull ahead, when it was 215-244 and the normally Republican states were left. I begged and pleaded to the God above that she would come out on top. If she could have gotten Pennsylvania, she could have made it. Yet, 140,000 votes went to Gary Johnson. If she had those votes, she could have accomplished it. Why can’t the elections be like Kennedy and Nixon’s? We could have heard calm, considerate debates about topics that really matter, not yelling at each other about their heritage or cutting them off from getting their points across by yelling wrong in their face.  How did the elections transform into this?

The election stressed me out to new levels I would have never imagined possible. I have always disliked Trump, even before he decided to run for President. I never liked watching his TV shows, like the Apprentice- I always believed he was too demeaning to his contestants. With all of the information coming to light after he started his campaign, it made me fear for the safety of America- and for myself. I am worried if my fellow brothers and sisters of different cultures, religions, and races will be able to survive in a Trump world. I wonder if America will even be the same. How can we trust a president who states that all Mexican immigrants are rapists, or a president that lies about everything, from his poll numbers to the facts he gives away. How can I let my sisters out into the world, knowing that they could be assaulted, but that’s acceptable because President Trump does it too. Or how my fellow sisters will have to endure hate speech, but that’s okay too because it’s only ‘locker room talk’ and every man does that.

How can we trust a President who has multiple women accusing him of sexual assault? More than that, how did we let him continue to run while knowing this? He tells his supporters to go out and vote twice, which is illegal. There is so much against Trump, while Clinton only has the email scandal behind her. Clinton’s email scandal has been investigated twice before Tuesday night, yet Trump’s sexual assault cases won’t be heard until the end of November. What’s the deal with that anyway? Buzzfeed has to state on the end of each article about Trump that he is a serial liar. Saturday Night Live doesn’t have to come up with ideas for the show because Trump provides them with open arms. The Canadian Immigration website crashed from all of the Americans on the site. Doesn’t it bother you that so many Americans are planning on leaving the United States for good?

I worry about my friends who are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I worry about my Hispanic, Black, and Muslim friends. I worry about my brothers and sisters. I worry about America. I worry about America’s future and survival for the next four years. I hope that we will all be around to see the next election. But for now, we will go to bed and hope that there will be a future for us somewhere.

I also want to state that I was under the impression that America would be smarter.

Guess I was wrong.


Sommer Stockton is a sophomore at Brenau University and is majoring in Mass Communications. She believes she is the biggest Harry Potter fan of all time and loves to travel to new places. She loves chicken nuggets, frozen cokes and squirrels. Sommer is a proud Slytherin at heart.
My name is Kenya Hunter! I am a freshman at Brenau University as a Mass Communications major. My focus is journalism!