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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Over the summer, I was (as Fergie would say) “up in the gym, working on my fitness.” But to be honest I couldn’t necessarily afford the gym on a college budget, so free fitness classes in local studios was right up my alley. Living in the North Shore of MA, there are plenty of fitness studios that offer student discounts and free trial classes. I did some research and found a spinning class I thought I’d try at a place called The Inner Cycle. My boyf signed up with me and we decided to go together one Saturday morning. (Can you say #goals?!) 


Here’s how it went:

First, we showed up late, had to sign in quickly and get ourselves situated near the cubbies. Walking into the room, we couldn’t even be the newbies who hide in the back because the instructor wanted us right in the front. Did I mention she was very pregnant? That’s right, the spin instructor had to be about eight months pregnant. She gave us towels (which I thought at the time was unnecessary) and the easiest weights in the world to work with despite the bae being a relatively strong kid (or so I thought). We mounted our bikes, holding up the class because we had no idea where exactly we needed to adjust the bike to, and prepared to spin.

The judging glances we got were unbelievable coming from grown adults.

The instructor got up on her podium, and the second she put that headset mic on, I had a feeling the next 45 minutes would be intense and dreadful. The whole room went dark, then all of a sudden colorful lights started flashing and heavy dance music started to play. I honestly felt like I was at a spinning-class-themed frat party, only we were completely sober

The pregnant lady turned into a drill sergeant by the second song and the middle-aged woman next to me kept commenting on my incorrect form. I did not fit in there whatsoever; I was in regular sneakers and everyone else was wearing their special spinning shoes. Whoops.  

The music, the yells of the red-faced pregnant woman in my face and the never-end whirr of the spinning bikes was so overwhelming. But when it got time to use the hand weights, I was so over it. My arms and legs were noodles and I actually had to use the towel she gave us despite my opposition when we first started. 


By the end of the 45 darkest minutes in my life, I was dripping in sweat, unable to move my arms and legs normally, and completely ready to just reverse all the hard work by eating loads and loads of carbs.

The class kicked my butt, all while making me feel better about myself (kind of), but if I were to go again, here are some tips you could use to not make my mistakes:

1.     Show up early-you’ll get more one on one time with the instructor (especially if it’s your first time)

2.     Be totally prepared to sweat your ass off-and bring your own towel if you’re concerned about using the ones provided

3.     Drink tons of water-I promise you won’t have to pee during class and have to navigate in the dark through the cyclists and flashing lights (because you’ll be sweating so much)

4.     Bring earplugs-if you get bothered by loud music or need to just focus better on you and the instructor, make like my lovely roomie and bring earplugs everywhere

5.     Bring a friend-after bringing my boyfriend, I wished I had a girlfriend a little more on my physical level (aka my BF is a gym rat) so I could complain about the class after over a huge brunch to gain back all those calories you burn


Hi! I'm Nicole, the social media chair for Her Campus Bentley! I'm a senior and love writing gif articles :)
Bentley University